Chapter 16: the Breakup

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"(Y/n) he broke up with me.." she answered back trying not to cry in the middle of her sentence.

"Why? Wait where are you at now? Don't you guys still live together? Are you okay?" You asked, worried if your friend is going to be okay.

You heard a loud sniff as she continued. "He said he didn't have time for me any more.." after she said that she broke down and sobs were all you could hear from the other line.

"Hey its going to be alright okay? Where are you?" You asked since she was in Australia by herself now.

"Who are you talking to?" John asked as he put his hand of cards down and walked towards you. Making Craig wonder as well who you were talking to.

You put the phone on your shoulder and whispered "Emilia. Cam broke up with her." You said resuming the call and as soon as you said that John perked up and ran to get his phone to call the one and only. Fitz.

John's pov.

Once I heard Emilia's sobs I knew Cam done fucked up. I ran to get my phone out of the guest bedroom I was using at the moment and went striaght to Cams contact.

"Hello? John?" Cam said he sounded terrible and to be honest it didn't surprise me.

"What the hell is going on?! Why did you break up with Emilia?" I screamed quietly.

"I-i don't know.. I was so stressed with having to edit videos and posting them on time that I lashed out on Em. God John I don't know what to do I fucked up and its all my fault!" His voice cracked as he silently started to cry.

"She- she is so perfect and I dont want her to just walk out of my life like it's nothing. I want a future with that girl, hell I want to grow old with her and-and.... now I just went and fucked it all up." He said while trying to catch his breath.

"Cam my dude you have to go apologize and explain to her what happened. If you told her what you told me just now then I'm sure she would understand and take you back." I assured him. I think they are going to be just fine, they just need to communicate with each other more.

"Are you sure?" He questioned quietly.

"100 percent" I responded "Now go get em tiger!" I told him and ended the call.

Hey guys sorry for not posting in actual MONTHS but im glad you guys stuck around. It's not as long as I wanted it to be but I felt terrible for just leaving this book and not writing. I am very VERY sorry to anyone I disappointed for not posting on time.

Bye loves!!!❤

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