You were new in town and didn't really have any friends. " oh (y/n) sweetie can you get down here?" Your dad said with a sweet tone. As you were walking downstairs you saw a little boy and his mom "dada who is dis?" you responded wondering who this person was " this is our new neighbor sweetheart. This is John say hello!" You just stared at him wondering what you should say " hi I'm (y/n), wanna be my fwiend?" He nodded his head "da bestest of fwiends"
Two years later
"John wanna play kickball with me and Emilia?" Emilia is another one of your friends that you met in kindergarten and you guys have been best friends ever since. " sure, but can Lucas play?" Lucas is one of Johns friends but most everyone calls him by his nickname Smitty. "The more the better!" You responded happily, as you and your three best friends grabbed a ball and went off to play.
Senior year of high school
(Y/n) p.o.v.
This was it John just turned 19 and I just turned 18 and tomorrow we were graduating "Em what are you going to do once your out of high school?" She just shrugged " I don't know, I just go with the flow." She's been creating music a lot so now every time she talks it rhymes. My guess is that she'll go into the music industry, and make millions I just hope she doesn't forget me. And as for John he has told me he has a YouTube channel but didn't tell me the name because he wants it to be a secret. As for me I already have an apartment in Cali I'm just waiting to move in I also have a YouTube channel but I haven't told anyone besides my dad. If your wondering where my mom went she left us when I was little for her new husband over in Nevada.
Hope you guys liked the first chapter!! I know it's a little short but I didn't want to just not post something for this week. Bye loves!✌️

||Kryoz x Reader|| The One
Fanfiction!!DISCONTINUED!! Alright this is my first ever x reader so it might be cringe or it might not who knows. You and John have been friends ever since you were 3 years old, and thought of each other as brother and sister. Until you found out he has a Y...