Chapter 15: What?

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The picture is sorta what Emilia looks like. Continue.

You were sitting at your apartment with John. Its already been around a week and a half and since you cant really do anything with your broken foot John had to stay with you for the time being. You felt bad for making him stay here for 6 weeks while you healed, but you couldnt do anything and without him you probably would have hurt yourself even more.

" Im sorry that you have to stay here for so long." You said feeling bad. "Oh its no problem, I really dont mind at all. Especially since Im with you." Your heart began to race. Did he really mean that? Your face flushed red. "Stop you know I dont know how to respond to compliments!" You covered your red face with your hands.

He just laughed. How cute.. He thought "You know... youre really cute when you blush, so please dont hide your face." He pulled your hands down to uncover your rosey colored face.

Not paying attention to the distance between the two of you, which just made your face even more red.

You looked at every detail of his face not missing an inch. His cute mole next to his lips. His lips were so intising. Oh gosh how you wanted to kiss him.

He stared at your face as well. Noticing the way your (h/c) hair fell on your shoulders. Reminding him why he fell for you all over agin. Not wanting this moment to end, he slowly leaned foward. Looking at your shining (e/c) eyes then back at your lips only a few inches apart. By now your face was burning but you wanted this so bad....


"Pizza's here." He whispered at you. You realized what happened, and slapped him in the chest while he busted out laughing. "Come on that was pretty funny!" He said while laughing. "How the hell was that funny?! Ughh.." you said as you got the money to pay for the pizza and opened the door. "But we arent finished with this!" You said pointing at him "Okay, okay" he chuckled.

Once you were done with your food and you were full you decided you wanted to play a card game. Uno to be exact. So you called Craig and asked if he wanted to play of course he said yes. As you got everything ready and Craig was over, you suddenly got a phone call.

You picked ut up and looked at the user..
Emilia 💛

Immediately you answered "Hello?" You heard sniffs on the other line.

"(Y/n) I have something to tell you *sniff* he-he broke up with me....."


Hey loves!! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter im working on a few more so ve on the look out for those👀

Bye loves!!❤

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