Chapter 6:the confession part 3

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Your pov

Once I was done I decided to head to the food court and wait on the other two. After awhile they finally showed up. "Hey guys, so what did you guys get each other?" I asked John and Smit. Smitty pulled out a video game and gave it to John. "I bought this for us to play together." I looked down and read the package of it 'Player Unknown BattleGrounds' "Really Smit you bought pubg?" I asked laughing " Yeah that's my gift to both of you." He said as he pulled another one out and handed it to me. "Well my gifts aren't as good as a video game but I hope you both like them." I said pulling out the shoes and handing them to them. "Damn (y/n) these are bomb as fuck." Smitty said admiring his shoes "Thanks (y/n)" John said with a smile. I felt my heart quicken do I like John? No it's just me being antisocial I thought.

No ones pov

"Ok time for my gifts to you guys." John said reaching into his bag pulling out a book not just any book, a book from your favorite series. But he handed it to Smitty. "(Y/n) you have to wait until you're about to leave for yours." You pouted and looked at him "John I swear if you're pranking me." You said while all three of you get a little snack to eat. "Trust me I'm not." He said in return. While you guys were eating you noticed John staring at you. "You okay over there?" You asked. After you said that it seemed he snapped out of the daze he was in. "Oh um yeah just zoned out." He grinned. God she's so pretty he thought to himself looking at your (e/c) eyes. After you guys were done eating everyone was walking back to your car "hey guys I gotta go" smitty said as he stayed on the side walk not getting into the car. "Oh damn I didn't realize it was already time for you to leave." You ran over to where Smit was and gave him a big hug " imma miss you fucker." You said while going back to the driver's seat "I'm going to miss you too." He said and waved as you guys drove off. You knew he already called an Uber. In an hour you had to leave to the airport  since it was already 1:00. So you and John just decided to go back to the house and hang out for a bit before you left. When you guys got home he plopped down on the couch with a sigh. You sat down next to him and put your head on his shoulder. " You know I'm gonna come and visit you when I can right? I'm going to miss you so much." You said. John had a slight blush on his face "um (y/n) I need to tell you something..." he said as you looked at your phone for the time. It was already 1:45 "shit I need to go!" You yelled quickly standing up and grabbing your stuff rushing to the car. "John you can tell me on the way just get in." He got in and you drove off to the airport .
Once you got there you went through security and the bag check. After they took your bag all you had left was to wait for them to start boarding. You sat next to John waiting "what I was gonna say was that...(y/n) I-I like you" he said nervously "well duh I like you to you doof." You say smiling obliviously." No I mean I like-like you (y/n).." you stare back in awe as they started boarding the plane. You got up and before you left to board you said "I like-like you too John." You grinned at him and boarded the plane before he could say anything else. John just stood there in shock. She likes me back?

Hey wassup it's ya girl. Sorry for not posting in awhile my arm hasn't gotten better at all and it's been hell so please just bare with me while I get through this. I haven't been able to move my arm that well so that's why I haven't been writing much bc I've been in a lot of pain but I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Bye loves!❤️

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