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He stared in my eyes, grinning.

"You really wanna know?"

I looked the other way. With his stare, I feel like he can see through me.

"Err I don't think I like the sound of that."

He shrugged innocently.

"Your lost."

I rolled my eyes.

"Like I care."

He looks away, trying to hide his impish smile.

"If you say so."

I groaned internally.

"...but I guess I'll have to bite."

He laughed and ruffled my hair.

"I knew you'd give in!"

I whined, like I always do.

"Just tell me already!"

He rolled his eyes and stopped walking.

So did I. What's he gonna do now?

Oh no, no. He's giving that look again.

His eyes are trying to ensnare me in a trap.

Like he used to.

But no, I don't want to!

I might just fall back in his arms if I do...

I tried to look somewhere else.

I want to change the subject now.

But before I can open my mouth, he shook his head.


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