Chapter 2

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( 3rd person's POV)
"Tsk! Sebastian! I order you to know their answer why are they here!" A boy ordered his butler.

"Yes, my lord" the butler bowed, then take out his knives. The twins turn around to look at them, but they couldn't see the twins' faces because their faces are covered by a mask, while wearing their eyepatch.

"Now, answer my master's question, or I might hurt you two" the butler, said to the twins, with a threatening smile, while holding his knives.

"Now, answer my master's question, or I might hurt you two" the butler, said to the twins, with a threatening smile, while holding his knives

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"Fine...! We suddenly woke up here, there! Happy?" The left twin (you) said, with a emotionless look but with a irritation in her eyes. "You never answered ours..." the right twin (Kaneki) ask with a emotionless tone and look.

"Me and my master, was just walking on the street until we heard you two in this alley, so we just came and check it out" the butler explained with a smile. "May we know you names?" The butler ask, while putting away his knives.

"My name is Eyepatch, this is my twin sister, (G/N)" the right twin or Kaneki, introduced to them, with their ghoul names. The master of the butler nodded.

"My name is Ciel Phantomhive, owner of the Funtom company, and this is my personal head butler, Sebastian Michaelis" Ciel introduces himself and his butler to them too. While Sebastian bowed with his hand on his heart.

(Y/N) and Kaneki, can smell Sebastian is not a human, so they will stay on guard.

"Do you two have a place to stay?" Ciel ask the twins infront of him. (Y/N) and Kaneki look each other, then look at Ciel again.

"No, why did you ask?" (Y/N) ask Ciel, but Ciel just smirk.

"Why not you two work for me as my maid and butler?" Ciel ask, or more like a demand to them, while Sebastian is looking at the twins.

(Y/N) and Kaneki just nodded meaning they agreed. Ciel starts to walks away while Sebastian behind him, so the twins follows them.

They arrive at the carriage, Ciel goes in first, with the help of Sebastian, then (Y/N). Sebastian held up his hand to her, which (Y/N) accept it.

"Thank you....." she mutters and sits across of Ciel, Kaneki goes in too, sitting besides his sister. Then Sebastian sits on the driver sit.

Here's the sitting arrangement:

Horse Horse
| |
O| Sebastian |O
| Ciel          |
| |
|(Y/N) Kaneki |

Different Dimension (Tokyo ghoul x reader x black butler) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now