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Jimin slid in a familiar vial full of dark red liquid into Jungkook's hands.

"Remember to use it if you get injured." Jimin smiled and ruffled Jungkook's hair before leaving for class.

"Of course, hyung." Jungkook fingered the vial before securely putting it on the chain around his neck.

Jimin would always give him a vial full of his blood in case he got injured for the day, not that that would happen, he was a vampire for God's sake. He would give him new vials even if Jungkook didn't use the blood because it was only good if it was fresh. The rest, Jungkook kept for memories and well, because of Jimin. He felt slightly guilty that Jimin was draining his own blood for Jungkook even when he didn't use them, but that guilt disappeared when Jimin's feeds on him got more frequent. He secretly liked it, the pain and the feeling of Jimin's fangs puncturing his skin.

He would only use it for major injuries and only if they hurt a lot. A drop would suffice to make the pain disappear and a few more to turn it into a scab. Two more and it'll be almost completely healed. 

(Time skip several classes)

Finishing up his painting which he drew on a whim, he cleaned up his art supplies before heading to his next class—scratch that. Lunch wasn't a class but the school considered it for some reason that he didn't and never will understand. 

Texting Jimin he wouldn't be there at lunch because he had to finish up and work at the library before that class started, he went inside the library. Searching for the book, he sat down to read and take notes for English. Just as he settled into the familiar rhythm of reading a page and taking important notes on that page, he heard someone's labored breathing. Slightly weirded out and suspicious, he looked around. Seeing no one there, he went back thinking it was just imagination at play. Suddenly, a hand clamped down on his mouth, shushing any noise he might make.

"You better be quiet and let me fuck you." 

Jungkook tried to scream, but only a muffled sound came out. He was trapped. And Jimin wasn't anywhere to save him.



This was short. As you know, the chapters are varying lengths depending on my schedule and how busy I am. Sorry, but I hoped you liked it. Also, I hope that's the only time I'll ever use profanity. 




Don't want to force you, it's optional ☺️


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