You're my everything

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A/N: Although I didn't write the scene in, Im Jaebeom, yes, as in leader of Got7 but not in this fiction, was a key figure in assisting to pull the claim over Jungkook because it was one of his most important henchmen that committed the crimes listed previously.

Dear Mr. Im,

Are you well? I am rather shaken by the rather tragic events that have unfolded and I trust you are as well?

I would like to inform you that your accusations against Jungkook have turned to fruition. It is my greatest regret to inform you of your accused has reached a breaking point. I'm very sure you would understand what that means, Mr. Im, with your intellectual mind and perceptive nature.

Therefore, if you would care to extend a hand as support just as a friendly gesture. Perhaps then, you will be able to keep Mr. Wang from the Six, away from executions from his crimes. I hope Mr. Tuan is doing well from the recent development of events? I give you my utmost respect with a bowed head if you choose to acknowledge me. You know very well what sort of person Bang Shi Hyuk is.

I hope this will never happen again, a vampire's sense is crueler than that of a human's, is it not?

Without further ado,

Park Jimin

Jimin elegantly finished with a curve, his signature adding a sense of finality and officially to the parchment paper that faintly tickled his mind of a human's series...Harry Potter was it? Although the series did portray the fantastical world in an unrealistic and far fetched way, as if magic was able to solve all problems, he had to give some points to J.K Rowling.

In a way, Jimin contemplatively thought, Draco Malfoy was seen as cruel and arrogant. But he was simply...misunderstood and wanted to prove himself and have a happily ever after with his father's approval like anyone else did. Slytherins were based off the Malfoy family, the purebloods. Draco was naturally a Slytherin and harbored ambitious thoughts, just like any other Slytherin, a thirst for power, approval. He stopped at nothing to try achieve what he wanted, and was in a way, courageous. He did deeds that hurt inside, burning him from inside and evolving into his character. But he never achieved his ending and the difference was, Jimin was going to ensure he had his way. He would bet his life.

With that thought in mind, Jimin's elegant cursive once again flowed on endless parchment paper, one addressed to Mr. Byun, Mr. Nam, the many Mr. Lees and others. Neatly folding the letters and sealing them in envelopes with a stamp, Jimin stood up and ran a hand through his hair.

"Namjoon." The vampire called, condensing the pile of letters into a stack, each with the bold insignia of the Park family.

"Yes?" Namjoon peeked his head through the door respectfully and seeing the stack of envelopes, understandingly took it with a bow.

"It must be delivered safely. Utmost secrecy is priority." Jimin commanded with a grim look on his face as he patted Namjoon's shoulder, the action filled with solemnity and the heavy weight of responsibility.

"Don't worry, sir. You can leave it to me." Namjoon replied with determination and abruptly turned on his heel, hiding the letters in his coat.

Jimin stood looking down at the pristine floor for a moment when Namjoon left before walking to the screen that separated the study and the balcony with silk curtains able to be pulled over for privacy. Pulling the curtains slightly away from the middle to reveal the transparent glass, he slid the screens apart, removing the last layer between  him and the outside world.

The chill wind brushed over his cheekbones. Autumn was drawing to a close, Jimin thought. But even so, the cold wind was biting down to his bones, like a lash of punishment and to his conscience of what he did.

"..." Jimin felt his throat close up, the thirst for blood gone since long ago.
The gusts were like retribution, fierce and scoldingly ruffling his hair and clothes, lapels flapping in the desolate air.

Slowly walking over to the furnished silver bars that made up the balcony's shape, he leaned over it, closing his eyes and tasting the wind.

The freezing taste brought him back to his senses. He was going to go through with the plan or else his actions would be for naught. And even if Jungkook still hated him, it wouldn't matter because he successfully destroyed any threat that could possibly befall his love. His whole life's purpose was to protect Jungkook, and he wouldn't sit on the side and do nothing when Jungkook was harassed.

"I'm not asking for forgiveness. I won't expect anything from you, but I need to go through with this." Jimin spoke as if Jungkook were there with him, enduring the harsh wind with him and a serene smile on his face.

"Jungkook, you have been my life's purpose. Even if I give up my life, my heart would be glad if you receive what you deserve. You're my everything."

This was rather a soulful chapter focusing on Jimin and I really liked Jimin's devotion and affection for Jungkookie.
Do you guys think Jimin should be punished or forgiven for his actions based on this chapter?
I love the Draco Malfoy part because he's my favorite character of HP and simply misunderstood, a character desperate for love and attention.
Criticism is appreciated as always, I really want this story to be as good as it possibly get from all your feedback and comments!

Happy quarantine and weekend! ❤️




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