Chapter 1

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"Colonel Lennox, what is this I hear about a man named The Winter Soldier? I have caught word of his deeds as an assassin, but yet he is the best friend of an honored World War 2 hero." Maxanarda inquired one day on a sunny morning. Employees and soldiers around the N.E.S.T base couldn't resist talking about what they've heard from the news, which stirred her curiosity and concern.
"It's said that he was brainwashed by a Nazi group called Hydra, and had forgotten all he'd ever known. He was turned into a killing machine that did their bidding. Recently he was reminded of who he was, but after more recent events he saw fit to have himself put under until they can find a way to cleanse himself of his 'Hydra side', so to speak." The soldier answered, leaving Maxa to think.
"While the humans may not know of a way to help him, perhaps I can be of assistance."
"Since when did you become a human therapist? Let the humans figure it out for themselves." Ironhide spoke up.
"Ironhide, one reason we are here on earth is to help the human race. If this one man is seen as unstable and extremely dangerous, I should commit the effort to giving humanity one less thing to fear."
"Maxanarda Evanna is right," Optimus Prime added, "If she wishes to donate her own time to soothing this human's soul, then so be it." Ironhide soon grumbled,
"Fine. But don't let him anywhere near my weaponry."
"It would seem this matter is settled, then. Colonel Lennox-"
"Already on it, Maxa. I'll make some phone calls." The colonel smiled with a salute, and she gave a grateful nod before he walked off.
"She's going to help the Winter Soldier?" Asked Lennox's friend and comrade Epps, walking alongside him.
"Looks like it." Epps shook his head,
"I've heard some serious stuff about that dude. I hope he doesn't try to kill us in our sleep. She's in for a thrill ride."
"I'm pretty sure Maxanarda can handle it. She's handled far worse things before." Lennox replied.
"All I'm saying is she better not let him out of her sight."

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