Chapter 10

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Another week or two had passed, and Bucky felt more at home than ever. Though he insisted he was fully capable of aiding her team's missions, the Naita Koa in turn ordered that he didn't. Instead, he acted as a guard, protecting the base and its soldiers. Meanwhile in the kingdom of Wakanda, Shuri was enacting a mission of her own.

"I've been tampering around in my lab, and may have something extraordinary in mind," she pulls back a large curtain to reveal a lifeless body in a bed, "But in order for it to even come close to working, I need the help of our new friend, Maxanarda Evanna."
"Why her?" T'Challa glanced at the body worriedly. Shuri grins with her mouth closed,
"You'll see, brother."

Not long after speaking with her brother, Shuri called the team in a FaceTime meeting.
"I'm sorry you want to do what exactly?" Barnes raises his voice a bit.
"I want to see if I can transfer Maxa into that of a female human's body. When we were all together previously, she revealed to me her very heart can be ripped from her chest, and put back in place like it never happened. The body dies without it, but a Naita Koa's heart doesn't! Isn't that incredible?!" Her comment shrouded most of them in silent shock.
"Those were not my exact words, lass." Bucky faced Maxa slowly,
"Your heart...can literally be pulled from your chest, but yet it stays alive...?"
"My very soul is in my spark, lad. Where it goes, I go."
"That's insane!!" Scott lit up like a kid in a candy store.
"You see! Mr. Lang understands!" Shuri smiled wide.
"But, didn't you tell me your spiritual maker lives inside your spark?" Bucky continued a conversation with Maxa like no one else existed.
"My spark, if you remember, is called the Arcanicus Shard. It contains all of my abilities, my soul, my memories, and yes, including Amaravalani. She is the being of which you speak, lad." Shuri jumped up and down a little with a few spins,
"Maxa, you're officially my new favorite species," a big smile on her face, "Now, I already have a human body ready, she just needs a host-"
"Please tell me you didn't dig it up from somewhere."
"For goodness sakes, no! I'm a scientist not a madwoman! I created her in my lab!" She rose her voice at Stark.
"Just thought I'd make sure." He glanced around at the floor with a relieved look on his face. Shuri sighed and rolled her eyes,
"The only piece that's missing is Maxa's consent." She looked to said Autobot with a hopeful smile.
"If your experiment proves fruitful lass, what do you intend to do with your findings?"
"Well, really it's for the sake of science. And I'd be able to say I transferred a soul to a different body. Plus I'm really really curious to see if it works. Please? I promise to only ever use my findings for good." She grinned, even more excitement filling her eyes. The Titan Twin thought about this for a moment,
"For the intent of all things good and just in this world, I shall aid in your experiment, lass."
"Yes!" Shuri softly cheered while making a fist. She then cleared her throat,
"I would like to begin as soon as possible, if that is alright." Maxanarda glanced around at the base, looking at all her teammates. Despite Decepticon activity being at a low right now, that didn't make her feel any better about leaving. Yet, she knew they'd contact her if needed. One of the predacons, Zicanicus, even gave a nod of reassurance. She looked to Shuri,

When the pair eventually arrived in Wakanda, Steve and the others were already there waiting.
"So, how's that whole 'robot girlfriend' thing going?" Sam immediately teased Bucky the moment they landed from flight. The male beast simply rolled his eyes, slapping Sam's back with the end of his tail. He chuckled while Steve smiled and shook his head.
"What he means is, it's good to see you again. Both of you."
"You as well, lad." Maxanarda replied after transforming from Naita Koa to humanoid.
"Yes! You're here! Let's go, come come!" Shuri shouted, gaining everyone's attention and drawing them toward her lab. The very place where something new and incredible was about to begin.

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