Punishment Starts 💃💃👯

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Nandini: I reached my room and started to pack my stuffs. I don't want to stay here for a single minute also, where my character is questioned.

Harry you have seen my love, but not my hate. From today onward I will hate you more and more.

I was crying continuously thinking about my fate.

Suddenly I heard knock at my door. I knew it was him. But I don't want to see his bloody face here after. Then my mobile started to ring. When I saw Harry's number I just threw my mobile outside the window. Now my tears doubled up more.

My packing was done. I have decided to go to Di's home. Now I started to feel the heavyness of my dress. So I started to change my dress in anger and started to toss them in air.

Harry: I am just knocking her door like anything. But she is not responding. I tried to call her but she threw the mobile and it landed on me.

Shit!!!! I know I am the reason behind this reaction. Now no use of regretting. I should have controlled my words.

But now what to do??? I can't even think to stay away from her also. I have to do something to stop her from going away from me.

I started shouting,"Minion please open the door. I am really sorry ya....."

Still no response errrrrr

Before it becomes to late, it's better to choose the second option.

I just used the secret passage to enter her room. When I opened the door and entered the room I was left aghast.

Nandini: Suddenly I saw the false door opened. To my shock Harry was in the room and I immediately covered myself with my hands and turned to other side.

"What the bloody hell, some people don't have any Common sense left in brain", I shouted.Now I was hell angry. 

Harry: When I entered her room a piece of garment landed on my face. When I removed the garment from my face I saw her just in shorts. She immediately crossed her hands to cover her upper body and turned the other side.

Nandini: I could feel he was coming near me. Now his breath was touching my nape. I started to get more anger.

So I said," what are you waiting for bloody bastard, I am bloody seductress seducing you right. That is what you are think about me right.

Harry: Just shut up Nandu. Don't exceed your words. I never meant to say that. I was just in anger and just words slipped out of my mouth. I am really sorry for my statement. But please don't kill me like this with your statements.

Nandini: But suddenly I felt, my upper body covered with a fabric. And he started to move towards the door.

Harry: Minion please give one last chance.


I want to speak to you, before you take any decision. I will wait in the hall.

I feel you will give me a last chance plzzzz....

Nandini: Don't wait with false hope, and one more thing I won't get carried with these types of heroic actions. Now these type of situations won't create any softness in my heart. 

I guess words said in anger can't be taken back.The damage is already done.

I changed and went out taking my suitcase. I decided to go away from him.

Harry: I saw her coming out of the room with her suitcase. I could see the anger on her face. She was gritting her teeth. Suddenly when I was about to stop her from going Daniel came from nowhere and followed by Bhabhi saa too.

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