Chapter 4: Harrison's house

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I meet Harrison out at the front of the school gates,"hey, uh... Harrison" "hey Ashely, let's go! Um you mind if my mates tag along?" "Yeah, that's fine" "sweet" "hey, Harrison would you care to introduce your new friend to us?" a unknown boy said with cheeky smile."Oh yeah, this Ashely the girl I told you guys about earlier. This is Justin, Matt, Josh and you have already met Jay","hey, nice to meet you all" "hey, Ashely" they all said in a chorus.

"So Ashely, how long have you been at Blackwood High for?" said Josh "just moved here from Cronulla, everything is so new, the one thing I don't miss is the burning sun all day long"."Wow, Cronulla did you surf?" "yeah, I did, I was pretty good at it, I won a surfing competition". Suddenly the boys started asking questions like 'are you a girly girl' or 'what do you like to do for fun'. Then suddenly we stopped at a beautiful modern house,"this is where we stop Ashely, my house", it looked like he took pride and joy in his house, I can see why."Bye Ashely nice to me you" "bye" I waved hurriedly.

We walked in the front door it was huge! I loved it, then his mum came and said "hello, I am Mrs Shire, Harrison's mum" she looked so cheerful and happy,"nice to meet you Mrs Shire, my name is Ashely Banks" "nice to meet you Ashely"." Mum, we need to do a Maths project" " ok I will leave you two, alone"

Harrison and I walked up the nicely carpeted stairs and took a left down the hallway then a right. Harrison opened a door and inside was a HUGE room, full of posters and he had a Xbox 360 and he all so had a big white desk. " so... what do you want to do?" Harrison asked nervously "um... we can do the project if you want?" " sure". We sat down on the floor, as soon as I touched the floor Harrison asked if I liked Xbox and I replied with " yeah I love Xbox". After that we kinda got carried away with Xbox and then my phone rang it was my mum, "Ashely,where are you! You were supposed to be at home 2hours". It was 6pm! I was supposed to be at home at 4pm I ended the call and packed my bag. I was just about to walk out the door when Harrison called me " where are you going?" " I have to go so sorry"

I rushed down the stairs and almost out the door when Harrison held on to my arm and pulled me back and then............

My lips touched his, we kissed, I wasn't in a rush anymore and then I pulled back and pushed the door open, I ran, I called back to Harrison "I am sorry but I have to leave" he called back " ok, bye" he looked so sad and miserable.

I wanted to stay so badly but I couldn't. I ran all the way home I cried half the way, I wanted to see him, NOW. I rushed in and opened the door and ran into my room. My mum opened the door "what's wrong sweet?" " nothing" "your crying" " these are happy tears mum" " well dinner is ready" " ok, mum". I ran down the stairs, we had burgers it was delicious. I ran up to my room and I checked my phone it was full of messages from Harrison.

The messages said 'hi Ashely' 'I am sorry' 'about that' etc......, I picked up my phone and called him, "hi Harrison" " hi Ashely" " this is awkward" " Ashely I like you ok, but I am sorry I kisses you" "it's ok, I kinda like you to" I froze in, wait was this a dream or real?" "Harrison, I have to go bye" "Bye Ashely"

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