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And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains but have not love, I am nothing.

           [pssst!] Psst!

[ano, aso?!] What? Am I a dog?

[sori =)]  I’m sorry. Smiley face

[wer r u?] Where are you?

[ckret] Secret.

[yeah ryt, m n0t gonna ask agn] yeah right, but I’m not going to ask you again.

[same bus, ryt side, 3rd isle… miz me?] We are on the same bus. I’m sitting from the right side, on the third aisle. Did you miss me?”

[y?] Why would I miss you?

[i miz u.mwah] Because I missed you. Kiss

[haha]  (Laughing).

[cn I sit wit u?] Can I sit with you?

No reply.

 [busy?] Are you busy?

No reply.

[sumtin wr0ng?]  Is there something wrong?

[nah. am talkin 2 sum1. l8r?] No, I am talking to someone. Can we talk later?

[s0ri. l8r. mwha] I’m sorry. Okay, I’ll see you later (kiss).


“I’m sorry, who are you again?”

            I scratched my head. This is the third time she asked me what my name was. At first, I thought she was only flirting with me. Sounds arrogant, I know, but well that’s what I honestly thought at first. Eventually, I realized (and also after she half-jokingly and grudgingly admitted) that she has a very short attention span caused by her ‘slight’ ADD (Attention Deficiency Disorder). She tends to forget things as if it really did not happen or remember it as if it was her life line. “Nick, ma’am.”

            “Yeah,” she nodded thoughtfully. “Mr. Nicolas, right?”

            “Right. Dominic Nicolas.”

            She grinned. It was the very reaction I was wishing to get from her. “You’re name’s Dominic ‘Nick’ Nicolas?”

            “Yep. Dominic ‘Nick’ Nicolas, at your service.” I grinned. I haven’t the slightest idea why I wanted to impress her, but I do. “Are you Chinese, Ms. Chan?”

            “My last name’s the last drop of Chinese in me.” Then added proudly, “Full blooded Filipino.”

            I nodded. “Are you joining us on the tour? Please, say yes. ”

            “Are you proposing already, Mr. Nicolas?” Her eyes teased me with her exaggerated horror.

            Her humor suits me. “I think I do.”

            She laughed. There’s a different bite in her laugh. I like hearing it. I like the feeling of making her laugh.



From a distance, I can still see her face clearly. Corrine Chan has a distinct facial expression that I can never mistake for anyone else. She makes a face that is both cute and annoying.

chapter 13Where stories live. Discover now