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Sam and Katrina entered the house and walked into the kitchen. Katrina walked to the fridge to grab a water and Sam went to follow but stopped in his steps when he saw the television flashing lights in the gaming room. He sighed and walked in to turn it off but froze when he saw high heel boots sitting near the couch along with a cellphone that was lighting up from an unlimited number of messages. He turned and exited the room, heading towards the downstairs bathroom to see if Aliyah was there but was stopped when he saw her walking down the stairs with a smile on her face.

"Hey, Sam! Told you I'd come and steal your television," her hair was mess but she was dressed in slightly see through black long sleeve shirt that was tucked into a red leather skirt that had tassels at the end.

"Hey, Ali. What's with the hair?" Sam wasn't stupid, he had his suspicions. Every time he told her only Colby was home, he'd come home and find her somewhere in the house with messy hair and Colby was hiding in his room. He knew something was going on, what exactly? He didn't know.

"I figured I'd try a new hairstyle but it didn't go so well so I scratched my head in annoyance and this sorta happened," she chuckled as she reached the first floor and walked towards the kitchen, Sam following behind.

"Why are you upstairs? You left your show running," he inquired.

"Colby left some pizza rolls I had gotten from my house in the microwave and went back upstairs. The stupid thing kept beeping so I got annoyed and took them up to him and then I had to pee. Why come down to pee when there's a perfectly good bathroom right outside of Colby's room?" she shrugged casually as she entered the gaming room once again. Sam sighed and let it go. He'd find out eventually, whether they wanted him to know or not. Aliyah sat down on the couch and looked at her phone as it lit up with a text message. She read it and sighed before putting on her shoes and getting up, hiding one arm behind her back. Sam stared at her as she walked out of the room and towards the front door.

"I gotta go, bye!" she yelled out and left quickly. Sam briskly walked over to the door and watched as she walked out of the driveway before turning around and smiling up towards Colby's room. She said something that Sam couldn't make out and winked before heading into her car.


She smiled up at Colby as he yelled out her name and called back, "What?"

"Visit soon," he said and she winked before turning away and getting into her car, heading home soon after. She reached her apartment building and got into the elevator, heading to her apartment. When the elevator doors opened the second time, she quickly walked out and asked to speak with the manager.

"How can I help you, miss?" he asked.

"I'd like to know why I am being kicked out of my apartment," it sounded more of a demand rather than a statement.

"You didn't pay rent that you owe or this months rent," he informed, his voice didn't sounded sympathetic.

"But I did pay it. I've paid my rent on time for all the years I've been here!" she protested but the manager wasn't having it.

"No, ma'am. Our records say otherwise," he sighed, agitated, "Your stuff is already packed and placed in the garage. Have a nice night." Aliyah groaned and fished her phone out and quickly called Sam, only he didn't pick up. She sighed and rolled up her sleeve before dialing the number that had been written there in pen.

They picked up, their voice groggy as if they just woke up, "Hello?"

"Hey, I need your help," she hated sounding desperate but she was.

"Aliyah? What's wrong?"

"I was kicked out of my apartment and I had just used my whole paycheck to pay for rent. I'm homeless, Colby," tears started to roll down her cheeks as she walked out of the elevator, rolling one of the many cases to her car.

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