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A few weeks had past, Elton talked to the rest of the house and they were all okay with her living there but they all said she couldn't sleep in their gaming room because Aaron wanted to play Fortnite and she had a tendency to sleep until five in the afternoon. So they all agreed she could sleep on the couch in Colby's room. Neither of them complained though, now they could have fun without anyone asking her why she was there. However, they started to talk afterwards. Night after night the pillow talk got longer. Then the week came where she couldn't do anything with him and all they did was cuddle and talk.

It was one of those nights when he was telling her a story about the TFIL trip to New Zealand when she realized she was falling in love with the man. She realized that when his hands traveled down her body, they left a burning feeling anywhere they touched. Any physical contact made her shiver even if she was warm and it left a warm sensation in its wake. Anytime he smiled or looked her in the eyes, her stomach started to flutter into rolling somersaults.

However, she knew that the relationship they had was not going to change into anything different. They'd always only be sex buddies until one gets a significant other and forgets the other exists. At first, she was okay with that. She didn't mind the fact that she could just call or go to his room and be pleasured by an above average man. After she starting falling, however, she wasn't so okay with it. She wanted more. She wanted to go on dates, be included in his videos, have him invite her somewhere instead of it just being Sam or Elton.

She sighed as she sat on her makeshift bed on his couch, her back leaning on the arm rest closest to the door as her eyes were trained on Colby's bed where he was sleeping on his stomach. He had kicked the blankets off in the middle of the night, showing his bare back and his black sweatpants as one foot hung off the bed. He had an arm under his pillow and his other stretched in the way he was facing, his fingers touching his wall. His mouth hung open, drool starting to pool on his pillow as soft snores echoed in the quiet room. It was around eight in the morning and the house was still quiet seeing as Elton was the only one awake. Aliyah heard the door open behind her causing her to lean her head back only to see Elton standing there with a smile on his face, he had become accustomed to her being up at this time on a weekend and usually sitting on the couch downstairs, either watching the TV or scrolling through Twitter on her phone.

"Hey, you okay?" he whispered in order to not wake up Colby and she smiled as she nodded her head.

"Yeah. Just thinking," her voice came out quiet and a little crackly causing him to chuckle softly.

"About?" he questioned as she got off the couch, grabbing her phone in the process, and walked towards the door.

They walked down the stairs as she spoke, her voice clearing up, "Life."

"Colby?" she blushed as he mentioned the male, amazed at how he could read her so easily.

"How'd..?" she trailed off causing him to chuckle again.

"I'm good like that," he ended the sentence with a wink causing Aliyah to roll her eyes at him and continue to walk into the living room, sitting on the couch next to the older male. "What about him?"

"Our relationship, I guess," she shrugged as if it didn't bother her but Elton could tell it did.

"What about it?"

"Where is it going? Will things ever change like I want them to?" Elton sighed as she looked down at the floor, her knees pulled up to her chest.

"So you like him?" his voice was soft as he wrapped an arm around her and she slowly nodded her head. They sat there in silence for a little bit before they jumped at the sound of someone speaking.

Buddies ~ Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now