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Aliyah woke to her phone ringing. She groaned and rolled over, grabbing her phone with one hand as the other one ran through her brown hair.

"Hey Ali," she heard a familiar voice come through the phone as she put it to her ear.

"Hey Sam," she replied as she sat up, her eyes traveled to her alarm clock to see 14:49, or 2:49 PM.

"Did you just get up?" he chuckled after hearing her sigh and then groan softly as she stretched, standing up and walking over to her closet.

"Of course and I have a headache. Thanks," her tone was sarcastic as she recalled the night before, the party over at the trap house. When she had first arrived, she had told Sam to make sure she didn't drink to much but of course half-way through the party he had disappeared with his girlfriend - Katrina - and she had immediately gotten hammered; with the encouragement of Brennen.

"Hey, no one said you had to drink that much in the first place," he argued causing her to scoff slightly.

"That's a lie. Brennen did and we all know how persuasive he can be," he chuckled, his voice echoing throughout the practically empty room as she had placed him on speaker phone in order to get dressed. "What'd you need, Sammy?"

"Oh right! I called to let you know that no one but Colby and the dogs are going to be at the house today if you decide to come over."

She smiled at his words, "I'll probably head over later and just steal your Xbox for Fortnite or something." Sam laughed and said his goodbyes before hanging up. To tell the truth though, she absolutely hated the game Fortnite and would never play it. She only said that as an excuse to go over when they're not there. She particularly liked their gaming room though. The couch and bean bags were comfortable and their television was huge so she could enjoy NCIS on a much larger screen then the one she has.

She put away her casual, lazy clothing and pulled out her favorite outfit. A skin tight, shiny, leather jumpsuit with a matching leather belt that wrapped loosely around her waist. She slipped on three bracelets, one on her left wrist and two on her right, and quickly did some light makeup before heading out to her living room. She sat on a small chair near the front door, by the shoe rack before slipping on a pair of black, knee high heels. Having grown up with the mother she had, she had learned when to dress up and when it was okay not to as well as when to act a certain way. She slipped on her leather jacket and grabbed her keys before walking out of the apartment she lived in, locking the door behind her and walked to the elevators where she pressed the button. As she waited for the lift, one of her neighbors strolled over to her and smiled at her. His smile was sickeningly sweet and flirtatious. Aliyah smiled back to be polite before walking onto the elevator as the doors opened. She turned right in the doorway, not allowing the man to enter. With an innocent smile, she pressed the button for the garage and then the close door button. She waved as the door closed, not letting him enter with him.

She never trusted him for the four years she had lived next to him. Anytime she left the apartment, he always left at the same time and smiled at her the same way. She just felt uncomfortable around the man. The elevator dinged, signifying that she had reached the garage. She swiftly exited and walked to her black '67 Chevy Impala. The engine roared to life as she turned the key in the ignition. She put the car in drive and pulled out into the active roads of Encino, California.

The car ride there was relatively short seeing as she never drove the speed limit. She parked on the side of the road and got out, entering the driveway through the side gate they never lock. She walked up to the house and entered using the key she had been given by Elton months ago. She closed the door and listened. After a few minutes of standing in silence, she figured Colby was still asleep so she walked into the gaming room as quietly as possibly and turned it on. She quickly muted it and went onto Netflix, watching NCIS with subtitles. It wasn't the same as watching it with sound but she didn't want to rudely wake Colby up at the sound of gunshots coming from downstairs. That'd probably give him a heart attack.

A half hour passed and Aliyah had gotten so sucked into the show that she didn't notice Colby walk by the door and enter the kitchen, grabbing some cereal. The sudden noise of glass hitting the counter caused her to jump up and stalk over to the kitchen door. She peeked around to see Colby had just set the bowl on the marble quite roughly.

She sighed in relief as she walked in, "Jesus Christ, Colby. You scared the shit outta me."

Colby jumped and spun around, a cereal box in his hand as well as a spoon, "I scared you? I almost had a heart attack!" They laughed after a few minutes before he asked her what she was doing there and she walked closer to him with a smile on her face.

"Well, I heard you were home alone," she ran her hands down and up his covered chest while she looked him in the eyes, "so I figured I could give you some company."

"I thoroughly enjoy your company," he smiled flirtatiously as he put the items in his hands down on the table before resting his hands on her hips. She giggled as he pulled her closer to his body. Colby feverishly kissed Aliyah, his hands rubbing against the leather to get to her behind as she kissed back. He picked her up causing her to wrap her legs around his waist as he carried her up the stairs, her shoes left by the couch as NCIS continued to silently play on the television. Though she was sure the sounds he made her make would have drowned out the show even if there was sound.


The girl in the picture is Jenna Coleman, that is who Aliyah is based off of.

The photo at the top is her outfit for the day, just pretend she has shorter hair.

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