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Colby jumped when he heard Sam yell out his name. A few hours had passed and it was time to go to the hotel which meant being in a car and in a hotel room with Aliyah until the next day. Colby sighed and nodded towards Sam as he asked him if he was ready. Colby grabbed his stuff and walked behind Sam down the stairs to see Aliyah on Jake's back as he ran around the house, a large smile on their faces.

Sam called them over and Corey opened the door letting Jake run out of the house with Aliyah clinging onto him for dear life as she laughed and squealed. Colby stomped out of the house, his car keys clenched in his hand causing them to dig into his skin. He snapped out of it and unlocked the car, quickly popping the trunk. Jake put Aliyah down so they could put their stuff in. Colby caught Aliyah's gaze causing her to quickly throw her bag into the trunk and immediately turn to Jake, continuing her conversation with him.

Colby sighed and got into the car, quickly starting it as the others got in. Corey got into the back next to Jake after closing the trunk. Jake scooted over closer to Aliyah so Corey had more room, seeing as Jake and Aliyah were the smaller ones in muscle size. The car ride consisted of music and Sam talking to Colby while Corey played on his phone and Jake and Aliyah whispered to each other and showed each other things on their phones causing the other to chuckle or full on laugh.

They did their intro letting everyone introduce themselves, including Aliyah seeing as it was her first time on a Sam And Colby video. After they reached the Mission Inn hotel and Sam checked in, Colby moved the camera over to Jake who was laying on a couch pretending to sleep. Colby said something and it caused Jake to rub his eyes. Jake screamed in surprise when Aliyah suddenly jumped on top of him. She laughed at his reaction as Colby also laughed. Colby was surprised by how she was acting. He'd never seen her act like this. Then again, did he really know her?

They walked up to the hotel room while explaining to fans as much as they could without getting in trouble for having the camera. They said that the camera looked to professional so they couldn't record in the hallways and stuff like that. Aliyah didn't understand why they didn't just use a phone camera but it wasn't her channel so she just let them be. They got to their room and talked amongst themselves, except for Aliyah. She went over to the couch by the window and sat down, watching everything unfold.

They freaked out about the robe having fallen on the floor. The only thing she didn't like about that was the fact that it looked as if someone had just been wearing it but maybe that was just her imagination. Jake and Colby went up the stairs and said that there was nothing up there and Colby ended up jumping down onto the bed, almost hitting his head on the board causing her to frown but the way Jake came down was just stupid which made her chuckle slightly.

A little more time passed before they all sat on the couch, Aliyah sitting on the floor in front of Jake as the camera recorded. They talked about the history of the place and as Colby was talking about shadow people, the light in the other room suddenly shut off. They freaked out and grabbed the camera. As the camera pointed at the light, it started to flicker. Aliyah took a deep breath as she stood back at the couch as the boys were all crowded in the small cutout room talking about the light. She nodded in agreement when one of them mentioned it might just be electrical.

Colby looked over to see Aliyah standing by the couch, her face paler than usual. He watched her mutter to herself and nod her head at Sam and Corey talking about how it was either electrical or just the light bulb being loose, the color slowly coming back to her face as her breathing calmed down. His jaw clenched when he saw Jake sneak off camera and walk over to her. He watched as Jake grabbed her shoulder and leaned down slightly, looking into her eyes.

Jake smiled at her causing her to smile back but it disappeared the moment she meet Colby's gaze. She looked at him long enough for him to recognize the sadness swirling in her dark brown eyes. He turned his attention back to Corey and Sam as Jake walked back into the view of the camera. They talked about the picture next to the lamp and the white flowers all representing things.

Buddies ~ Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now