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"The hell is your problem man?" Jake asked, anger starting to show in his voice as he moved to get up but was stopped as Aliyah hugged onto his arm, not wanting anything physical to happen.

"Her," she could've sworn she heard her heart shatter at that one word response.

"What the hell's that supposed to mean?" Jake growled out as Corey rubbed Aliyah's arm in silent comfort, not wanting to get in the middle of the two boys.

"Jake," Aliyah tugged on his shirt to get his attention, "leave us. Please?" Jake hesitated but nodded when she looked up at him, her eyes pleading him yet a fire burned in them with determination. He stood and grabbed Corey as he headed out, not before stopping by Colby. "Jake," before he could say anything, Aliyah called out to him with a stern voice causing him to swallow his words and leave the room, heading upstairs in order to give them their privacy with Corey right behind him.

"What do you want?" Colby scowled out as he stared at Aliyah's weak form that sat on the couch, head turned to look at the ground.

"I'm sorry," she paused, "for everything. I overreacted but I meant what I said that night. I want to be more than just a booty call, I want to be able to call you mine and for you to call me yours." Aliyah's voice grew quiet and cracked near the end, unable to keep the tears down. She glanced up at Colby for the first time since he walked in to see him looking down at the ground, his dark brown, almost black hair covering his face from her view. "I just want to be more," her voice was almost pleading at this point, "but I can't have that with you because all you see me as is a blow-up sex doll."

"No," his voice was soft, almost to quiet for her to hear.

"What?" she asked, not because she didn't hear him because she did, but because she was confused. He was the one to put down the rules in the beginning. He was the one who said that no matter what, they had to stick to them.

"I said, no," his voice was only a bit louder for her to hear more clearer.

"No? What do you mean 'no'?"

"I mean, no. I don't see you as a blow-up sex doll! I," he sighed as a way to calm down, "I love you, Aliyah, and I want more, too."

Aliyah smiled, tears slowly coming to a stop as her heart exploded with joy, "I love you, too, Colby!"

He shook his head as he looked up towards her, tears rolling down his cheeks in waves, "But I can't be in a relationship. I'm not ready for that commitment."

She clenched her jaw as she froze in her spot, her heart clenching as if someone gripped it in their fit of rage, "Fine. If you're not ready for commitment, don't talk to me."


Sorry this one is so short but it is the end of the book - if you want it to be. If you want more, comment and I will continue it; however, she will not end up with Colby if I do continue the book. So let me know in the comments!

See you later, my little rose buds! <3

Buddies ~ Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now