pun 28

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woah it's been so long since I've updated this.
it has been a significantly long time since yoongi and jimin had a proper conversation, and to be completely honest with you: it was pissing jimin off.

yoongi would now only visit at
most twice a week much to the younger's dismay but he really didn't want to annoy yoongi when he was most likely, just busy. in the mean time jimin had a lot of time to be with his mother, she was slowly starting to understand that jimin and yoongi were serious and jimin was definitely not straight. although she understands she still can't entirely accept the fact, unfortunately.

but they have talked about their feelings with each-other and snuggled up to watch movies together like they did when jimin was only a boy and even went clothes shopping to lessen any tension that was still between them.

on the other hand, yoongi was going through a rough patch, unbeknownst to jimin. yoongi's parents do now accept his sexuality (and realised it wasn't going to change anytime soon) however there was a looming problem they were facing. trying to comprehend yoongi's 'new' boyfriend.

yoongi's parents weren't entirely thrilled to hear jimin lived all the way in busan and weren't exactly pleased every time yoongi left for days to visit him, worried about what jimin's intentions were.

this lead to yoongi no longer having a phone. yoongi was allowed to borrow his mum's phone if he wanted to text jimin, so she could monitor exactly how there realtionship was and how they treated each other.

yoongi is his own adult now (barely) but he never goes against his parent's wishes in fear they may disown or hurt him, which is why he is trying to cope with not having his phone on hand whenever he misses his baby.

he was also restricted to seeing jimin only once or twice a week, which wasn't too bad but he constantly had to put up a front so jimin didn't find out why he hadnt been texting. it was embarrassing.

yoongi is eighteen now. he should really be doing his own thing rather than sticking with his parents and their pointless requests. he doesn't want jimin to think he can't stand up for himself or think he is weak. that just wouldn't be right, because he can and is not.

parkpabo: I miss you :( visit again soon?

mrsmin12: of course, is thursday any good? I miss you too

parkpabo: any day is good I just really wanna see your face

mrsmin12: you're cute
mrsmin12: also
mrsmin12: did I tell you about these shoes i bought from a drug dealer?

parkpabo: omfg i've missed this
parkpabo: but no, you didn't??

mrsmin12: I don't know what he laced them with, but I've been tripping all day

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2019 ⏰

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