This is a request from HayleyMiller998. Thank you for the support and I hope you all enjoy!
"Kid, it's time for school! Wake up!" Tony called up the stairs of the Stark Tower. Peter groaned, running a hand over his face. Mondays. Suck.
"I'm up.." Peter called in a sleepy voice, rolling over and burying his face into the other side of his pillow.
"I know you're not! Don't make me come up there!" Tony yelled. He listened for a response, but there wasn't one. Stark groaned as he ran up the stairs and habitually straightened his tie. He laid a few knocks on the door before opening it and walking in.
"Dude, you're gonna be late! Get up!" Tony said, sitting on a chair next to Peter's bed. Peter groaned as he yanked the sheets up over his head.
"I'm so tired.."
"I know, but you have finals today."
"Five more minutes..."
"It's been ten, now get up!"
Peter did not move.
"I mean it!"
"Alright, I warned you!" Tony said as he ripped open the blinds. He then moved back to the bed and grabbed the blankets to take them off the bed, but Peter gave a yelp as Tony grabbed them. The older hero looked confused at first as the younger shot up and pressed his back against the wall.
"Kid, what was that? Did I hurt you?"
"N-no, Mr. Stark, you just...startled me?" Tony thought for a moment before a small smile grew on his face.
"Oh, I'm sure I did. Does this startle you?" He asked, poking Peter's side. Peter yelped once more and tried to push his hand away.
"Mr. Stark, I'm up!" Peter promised. Tony kind of chuckled at his escape attempt.
"Oh, I know. I just want to make sure you stay up." Tony promised, quickly pinning Peter to the bed with this hands above his head.
"Nohoho! Stahahap!" Peter giggled helplessly as Tony's fingers danced around his sides lightly.
"Weeeeell, I could, but I wanna make absolutely sure you're awake."
"Mr. Stahahark! It's tohohoho earlehehehey for thihhihihis!"
"Then you should've gotten up!"
"Plehehehease! Ihihim awahahake!"
"I'm sure you are!" Tony responded with snark, moving to Peter's ribs. The young hero squeaked and pushed himself against the wall.
"NOHO! Gehehehet awahahay!"
"Wow, so impolite."
"Mr. Stahahahark! Plehehehease!"
"Do you think I need to go there?" Tony asked, chuckling at the evident panic on Peter's face as his eyes widened.
"Noho, we reheheally dohohohont!"
"I think I'm gonna go there, Pete."
"Mr. St- NAHAHAHAHA!" Peter screamed, his head falling back and legs kicking wildly as Tony tickled under his arms.
"Y'know, I really thought you were stronger than this!" Tony teased.
"Is someone dying- oooohhh!" Cap said in surprise as he walked into Peter's room, being attracted by the noise.
"Oh, hey Steve!"
"MR. ROGERS, HEHEHEHELP!" Peter begged desperately as tears leaked down his reddened cheeks.
"Yes, Mr. Rogers, please help!" Tony invited, shifting his position on the bed. Steve smiled and walked over to the bed.
"STOHOHOHOHOP!" Peter begged still, seeming not to notice the second figure. He did notice, however, when Steve began to drill into his hip bones. The poor hero screeched in a key high enough to break windows before falling into near silent laughter.
"Should we stop? He's crying."
"Eh, I think he's alright."
"Won't he be late to school, though?"
Both men immediately jumped off of Peter. The young hero gratefully curled into a ball, gasping for air.
"You alright, Pete?" Tony asked as he rested a hand on Peter's arm. Peter jumped at the touch, alarm and panic on his face.
"N-no more.." He begged weakly. Steve and Tony almost felt bad for the poor kid.
"It's okay, Underoos. No more. But get dressed, okay? You're gonna be late." Tony promised. Peter nodded, getting up and having himself ready within five minutes.
For the rest of the day, everyone seemed to notice that Peter was unusually happy.

Tickle Book
أدب الهواةHey this is a tickle book of all my fandoms so yeah I hope you enjoy my trash