"ETHAN! GET BACK HERE!" Tyler loudly screamed as he chased Ethan through the house. Ethan had taken his phone- his unlocked phone- and run with it. Little weasel.
"WHAT WAS THAT?! I DIDN'T HEAR YA!" Ethan responded.
"GET YOUR ACNE OUTTA YOUR EARS AND GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" Tyler screamed back. Ethan started cracking up at the reference, causing him to trip and go slamming to the floor with a loud thud.
"Ouch! Mother fucker!" Ethan cursed, his hands over his face and Tyler's phone about three feet ahead on the floor. Tyler caught up and knelt down next to him.
"You alright?"
"... shit.." Ethan cursed again as he looked at his blood covered hands. Tyler jumped as he saw Ethan's face, nose and down covered in the same blood.
"Holy hell- are you okay!?" Tyler asked again as he picked Ethan up and carried him to the bathroom on his shoulders.
"Yeah, it doesn't hurt anymore." Ethan promised as he shoved some toilet paper up his nose. He looked over. Tyler looked upset.
"Hey, you alright?" Tyler shrugged.
"I feel guilty."
"Well, don't. It was my clumsy ass's fault." Ethan joked, making Tyler laugh a bit.
"You sure?"
"Positive." Tyler nodded and sat down on the counter with a smile. Soon, he got back up and headed for the door.
"Where ya going?"
"I need to get my phone before Mark does." Ethan nodded with a giggle. After Tyler walked out, he took the tissues out of his nose to see that the bleeding had stopped. He silently cheered before finishing to clean himself up.
"Oh, sweet." Said Tyler as he walked back in.
"Yep. All good." Ethan said with a smile.
"Hey, you're a jerk by the way!"
"What? Why!?"
"You took my phone!"
"Well, you deserved it, bitch!" There was a moment of slightly unsettling silence.
"What was that, Ethan?" Tyler said with a playfully threatening look on his face.
"Oh, god. Tyler, no!" Said Ethan as he slowly backed his way to the door.
"You better run!" Tyler yelled as he made a lunge for his boyfriend. Ethan let out a small yelp before running out the door and down the stairs. Tyler quickly followed.
"MAKE WAY!" Ethan warned as he ran right past Mark and almost plowed down Jack.
"Jesus!" Jack let out as Tyler passed through as well.
"We should go see what that's about."
"I agree!"
Jack and Mark walked in just in time to see Tyler pin Ethan to the couch. Ethan, already giggling and out of breath, tried to protest.
"Tyler! Let me go! I'm sorry!"
"Too late for that, buddy!" Tyler said as he immediately scribbled on Ethan's sides. Ethan fell into a giggle fit.
"Nohohoho! Screhehew youhouhou!"
"That's not nice!" Said Tyler, moving to Ethan's stomach. He sucked in a breath before giggling just a bit louder.
"Hehehehey! Gohohoho awahahay!" Ethan whined like a child.
"Tell me you love me!"
"I think you'll change your mind!"
"Fuhuhuhuck youhouhou ahahand youhouhour uhuhugly ahahass hahahair!" Ethan spat out. He didn't really mean this, but he was feeling pretty in the mood.
"Fuck you too! I'm gonna get you now!" Said Tyler, quickly whipping around and scribbling his nails all over Ethan's bare feet. Ethan screamed and pounded his fists on the couch.
"No way!"
"And I'm not!" At this point, Ethan looked over and saw Mark and Jack with a pair of huge smiles on their faces.
"Nah, this is pretty funny!"
"Yeah, quite a show!"
"GOHOHOHOD DAHAHAHAHAMNIT!" Ethan screamed in defeat.
"Are you gonna be nice now?"
"Have you learned your lesson?"
"I like how full of shit you are!" Said Tyler as he reached back and squeezed one of Ethan's thighs, his second worse. Ethan was near silent now, tears streaming down his face.
Tyler looked up at Mark and Jack as he continued, wanting them to let him know.
"Yeah, now I'm no doctor, but I really don't think he should be that shade of red."
"You had enough?"
"Fine.." Tyler grumbled as he stopped. He looked up at his two friends again, giving them a polite nod. They nodded back and walked back to the kitchen, getting Tyler's hint.
"H-h-holy sh-shit.." Ethan panted.
"Come here, my little blue boi." Tyler said, pulling Ethan into his lap. He happily accepted and snuggled his face into Tyler's chest.
"I love you, Tyler."
"I love you too."
Tyler chuckled as Ethan jumped a bit, thinking he was going to fall.
"I've gotcha. We don't need any more bloody noses here today." Ethan gave one last chuckle before falling fast asleep in Tyler's arms.

Tickle Book
FanfictionHey this is a tickle book of all my fandoms so yeah I hope you enjoy my trash