Morgan groaned as his alarm went off in the morning. Six o'clock is far too early, he thought. Despite this, the agent quickly got himself dressed, heading for his morning jog. Derek returned twenty minutes later. He was greeted with the unfamiliar smell of... nothing. Usually Reid would be up and making breakfast by now. Worriedly, Morgan took off his shoes and jogged up the stairs.
"Reid?" He called as he made his way to the bedroom, only to find the genius still in bed. Morgan stared at him for a moment before chuckling and, deciding to give Reid a little more time, hopping in the shower.
*ten minutes later*
Morgan walked out of the bathroom, all dressed for the day, only to see his genius still asleep.
"Pretty Boy, you've gotta get up."
"Kid, you're gonna be late. It's already seven!"
"I don't care.."
Morgan paused, a bit shocked by that statement. Since when has he ever been okay with being late? The older agent sighed before moving to sit next to the younger on their bed.
"You feelin' okay?"
"I don't know."
"Hey, what's wrong?"
Morgan quickly moved over, laying on his stomach and putting his hand on Reid's back. Reid flipped his head over in turn to see his boyfriend.
"I'm just... sad. And tired."
"I had nightmares."
"Well, kid.. why didn't you wake me up? I could've helped."
"I-I just.." Reid trailed, burying his face back into his pillow. "..sorry."
"Hey, you don't have to apologise. Just know that you can always talk to me, okay? You know that, right?"
Morgan gave a sad smile as he saw Reid nod shyly. He then wrapped his arm around his boyfriend's small frame, hugging him close, and just laid there. It was nice. The boys just listened to each other's breathing for a while, and it was calming.
"We really gotta get up, kid."
Morgan chuckled as he sat himself up, taking in a deep breath and patting Reid on the back.
"What can I do to get you energised for the day?" Morgan asked.
"I dunno.. raise my adrenaline?" Reid answered, turning himself over on his back and letting Morgan rub his sore stomach.
"Y'know, I might just have a way to do that!" Morgan said excitedly.
"Oh yeah? What's that?" Reid asked.
Morgan quickly got himself up, straddling Reid by his thighs and earning a surprised look from the genius before quickly tapping his sides. Reid let out a yelp, pushing lightly on Morgan's shoulders.
"Whahahat the hehehell?!"
"You said to raise your adrenaline!"
"Thihihis ihis nohohohot whahahat I meheheheant!"
"It's working, right?"
Morgan relented, pulling back and realising that his hands had travelled down to Reid hips. He smiled at the panting man below him.
"Too much for ya, kid?"
"You're a-a sadist!"
"Aww, that's not nice!"
Morgan suddenly grabbed Reid by his hips, digging his thumbs into the bone. Reid gave a loud shriek and shot up to grab Morgan's shoulders, kicking his feet in protest.
"Sure you have, Pretty Boy!"
Morgan smiled as he continued to torture his boyfriend, feeling the smaller man hit his back lightly.
Morgan decided to have one last go before relenting, using his stubble to tickle Reid's neck. The younger man lost it, growing very near silent and bucking his hips in the air.
"Hey, you're wide awake now!"
"Alright, fine. Only because you're cute like this." Morgan teased.
"Shuhuhut uhuhup.." Reid whined, giggling as he tried to catch his breath.
"You feelin' better now?"
"Ki-kinda, yeah."
"You know I love you, right?"
"Y-yeah, of course. I love you too."
"Alright, good. Now hop your pretty ass in the shower while I make you some breakfast."

Tickle Book
FanfictionHey this is a tickle book of all my fandoms so yeah I hope you enjoy my trash