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Estelle flushed all shades of crimson, honey oozing from the comb all over her fingers. She couldn't decide which was more humiliating, to have sticky, smooshy honey hands or to eat in front of the man of her dreams who'd broken off half of it and given it to her. She'd not cared that he'd eaten, refraining from awkwardly staring at him. It wasn't so much that she wanted to pick apart the way he chewed, cud-like or nibbled around the edge of the comb like it was a sandwich, but more that she didn't know what to do with herself.

If she'd been smart, she realized remorsefully, she would have gobbled her portion down at the same time as he, saving this awkward situation from happening at all. But no, now she was stuck, literally, spinning her fingers inconspicuously to keep the honey from dripping completely off her fingertips, leaving a spotty trail for insects of various kinds to follow and feast on. It would be tell-tale that she had wasted, and Samuel likely wouldn't understand her dilemma.

She scrunched up her nose absentmindedly, trying to remember if honey stained clothing. But even if it didn't would it make a difference? It would probably be worse, hands and clothing sticky, bugs plastered on her dress, fuzzy lint on her fingers.

Oh what to do, what to do!

Samuel was oblivious. It was a wonder that Mavy had let him take her daughter out at all, his head was in the clouds, his heart hammering. Mavy needn't worry, the streets were bustling, but to him, it was as if they were the only one there.

A ruckus in the street was the only thing that pulled Samuel down to earth, automatically reaching for Estelle's forearm as he turned to see what was going on.

Perfect timing.

Estelle shoved the honeycomb in her mouth, sucking each of her fingers free from the sticky goo, chewing as fast as she could before he looked at her mid-chew. He couldn't ever know... she was human and ate too.

"This doesn't look good," Samuel rumbled under his breath, turning back to her who looked sheepish, covering her mouth with her now-clean hand.

What was the matter? Did she have a hunk hanging off her nose? She flushed again at the thought of him thinking of what it likely looked like, rubbing her nose self-consciously. The least he could do is tell her what it was.

Nothing was there, but if there was it would have been the last thing on his mind as he dropped his hand from her arm to her hand to pull her behind him as he weaved throughout the peoples whose attentions were being turned to the scuffle of the priests and captain of the temple along with the Sadducees.

Estelle's eyes widened, watching from behind one of the massive pillars of the temple as Peter and John were apprehended roughly before their eyes in front of the people.

It wasn't new for the Sadducees to cause a kerfuffle over the teaching of the resurrection, they believing a you-die-and-that's-it, but to begin arresting for going against their beliefs? That was new, and not good. Of course, it didn't help that Peter and John had brought up not only the resurrection as valid but that through Jesus Christ there was a resurrection hope for all!

What a horrible existence a life without hope of an afterlife would be! Samuel couldn't wrap his mind around it. Why would anyone want to live if there was nothing better after this?

"Sam," Estelle murmured, her tears welling up with tears, "I really should go home and tell mom. Would you mind if I cut this short-?" Robert would take the news horribly, Peter still very close to him.

"Shhh," Samuel held up a finger, "Look... people are turning to Christ!"

It would seem that God was still able to turn what was meant for evil for His good and His glory.

"You should stay," Estelle pointed out, "You can tell them about Jesus!" It was an honor to serve Christ, and the family always took every opportunity that came along to do so, but she bit her tongue, grimacing as the metallic taste of blood touched her taste buds. It had come out of her so quickly. Would it look terrible if she begged him to forget she'd said anything? That she'd rather him safe then arrested too? It was one thing to see dear John and Peter arrested, they were tough, old, John, at least was single... but to lose Samuel?

"Come on, I'll walk you home first."

It was too late to retract.

"Lord, protect Your servant," Estelle breathed, following him away from the busy temple.

Many of them which heard the word believed; and the number of the men was about five thousand.

Many of them which heard the word believed; and the number of the men was about five thousand

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To Live is Christ, To Die is GainWhere stories live. Discover now