Rescue Me

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The next few days I showed up in class, hoping to talk to Jia. Everytime I did see her, she would avoid me or be with a big crowd and I couldn't catch her.

I was falling asleep trying to take notes in English Lit. I was so far behind I had no idea where to begin.

As class was dismissed I catch a glimpse of her outside the door.

Grabbing my things I hurry to try and catch up with her.

"Miss Gim..a word with you please" my professor yells as I sprint out.

"Ok I'll be back" I lie.

Once again... She's gone. I'm left with just a crowd full of snotty college girls looking at me.

"I heard she slept with her best friend's boyfriend" one whispers as if I couldn't hear.

I look directly at her and roll my eyes.
I've had enough of this drama for today.

I storm past them and push my way through the doors.

Thank God I have a car.
I get inside, blast my music and speed off.

I drive to the nearest liquor store go inside to get something that will end my misery.

" bitch where have you been?" I hear someone say

I spin around and see it's Moon.

"Hey" I say hugging her. "I've been around. Where have you been?"

"I just got back from my trip, I was in Jamaica baby" she smiles.

"Damn and you didn't take me with?.. I'm jealous"

"It was gorgeous.. I'm definitely going back.. Anyways I thought you'd be in school"

"Oh yeah, I got done early and thought I'd come pick up something for the house" I lie yet again.

"Oh my God you need to come out with me tonight. I met these guys and I'm meeting them at this club" she says tugging at my arm.

"Yeah of course I'm down, I just need to find something to wear"

"Well I have nothing to do, why don't we go looking for something now?" She suggests

"Sure, why not" I say grabbing a bottle of rum and taking it to the check out counter.

After paying we head towards my car.
"Woah did you buy a car?"

"Oh yeah, isn't it beautiful?"

"Hell yes.. Let's leave my piece of shit here" she laughs.

We drive to the mall and after getting something to eat we walk into one of the stores and start browsing through the racks.

"Ree this dress would look so hot on you" Moon says holding it up.

It's a red mini with a slit up the side. And I have to admit it would look nice.

"Jesus it's $400" I say putting it back.

She rolls her eyes.
"If you want it bad enough, you'll get it" she says taking a blouse and shoving it into her bag.

"What the hell Moon, you're going to get caught!" I whisper looking around.

"Only if you say louder"

I take the dress and shove it in my bag and nervously begin looking around.

Sweat begins to form on my head and I have the sudden urge to be sick.

"Can I help you with anything Miss?" The saleswoman asks.

Startling me, I jump.
"Yes.. Do you have this in a black?" I ask holding up a skirt.

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