Moving Forward (A mini chapter)

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A few days passed and Jungkook and I went to Planned Parenthood. I would of preferred to go to my normal doctor but since I'm under my parents insurance she would have to make my appointment.

The tiny old lady gave me paperwork to fill out and then a cup to pee in

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The tiny old lady gave me paperwork to fill out and then a cup to pee in.

"So tell me have you been practicing safe sex?" She asked

"I'm actually on birth control, but.."

"It obviously didn't work" she says
"Ok I'm also going to do a blood draw"

They take my blood and we wait.

Within a few minutes the doctor comes in and talks with us about the use of condoms to prevent STD's.

"So when was the date of your last period Miss Gim?"

"I really haven't gotten my period since I've been on birth control so to say I missed it.."

She taps on her computer for a few minutes then swings her stool towards us.

"Ok kids.. It looks as if you are 12 weeks pregnant, I'd like to start you on some prenatal vitamins, do you have a gynecologist you see on a regular basis?"

"I do actually but I wasn't able to get in to see her" I answer

"That's ok, just make a follow-up appointment with her and they can do a full exam"

"Thank you" Jungkook says as she leaves the room.

As soon as the door shuts I feel my eyes fill with tears.

"Hey hey..I said no more tears we talked about this" he says to me

"I know, I'm just nervous about my parents"

"Well don't be, I'll be right there with you. Plus we have a weekend to look forward to." He says kissing me on my forehead.

"I love you Jungkook"

"I know" he smiles.

Once home Jungkook loads up the car and I go upstairs to pack a few more things.

I grab some flip flops out of my closet when I see Mara approaching Jungkook in the driveway outside.

I grab the baseball bat that's always in the hallway and head downstairs.

"MARA.. Get the hell out of here!" I yell

Both her and Jungkook look over to me.

He runs to me trying to take the bat out of my hand.

"Woah... Baby settle down"

"Baby? Did you just call her baby?"

"Yeah he did, what are you going to do about it?" I yell

"What about our baby Kookie?" Mara yells

"You mean your fake baby?" Jimin says walking out the front door with Tae.

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