Meet HIS Parents

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A week has passed since Jungkook and I were over at my parents.

I was just getting off of work when I hear my phone buzz. It's Jungkook.

"Hey hot stuff" I answer

"Hey baby, how's work?"

"I'm so ready to get out of here"

"Did you want to go to a movie tonight?"

"Oh honey, I'm actually really tired. I'm going to pass. Did you want to go with someone else?"

"I mean I can ask Jimin or Tae if you don't care if I go out"

"No go ahead, ask them.

"Ok baby, I'll be sure to wake you when I get home. I love you"

"Love you too"


I head home, shower and go to bed.

I'm sleeping for a few hours when I wake to an empty bed.

I get up and go to Jungkook's bedroom and find him sleeping.
I crawl in bed with him and wrap my arms around him.

His warmth feels so good against me.
He moves a bit and notices I'm there.
"Hi baby" he whispers

"Why didn't you come into my bed?" I ask running my foot up his leg.

"I didn't want to wake you" he says hugging me tighter.

I pull into his chest, smelling his scent and drift away to sleep for the night.

The following morning I'm woken up by the smell of bacon cooking down stairs.

I hurry to the bathroom just in time as that smell is not agreeing with me.

"Ok ok.. So you don't like bacon I say rubbing by belly" getting from the toilet I wash my face and rinse my mouth.

Jungkook peaks in.
"Good morning, you hungry?"

"Oh God no, thanks though" I smile

"Hey I talked to my folks and they would like us to come to dinner tonight. Is that ok"

"Yes of course"

"Ok I'll meet you downstairs" he says shutting the door.

I finish up in the bathroom and make my way down stairs.

Most of the guys are in the kitchen eating so I head to the living room where Tae is playing his video game.

"Good morning Ree" he says not taking his eyes off the TV.

"Hey sweetie, mind if I join you?"

"No not at all" he uncrosses his legs to make room.

I grab the blanket and plop down next to him and scoot closer to him.

"Ahhh your feet are freezing" he says jumping back

Laughing.."I'm sorry, you're so warm"
I cuddle closer to him, feeling his warm body.

"Easy.. You're turning me on. I don't think Kook would like that"

"Stop!" I yell

"What?" He laughs "You're rubbing all over my body, how am I supposed to feel?"

"Rubbing all over what?" Jungkook asks walking in the room

"Nothing.." I pinch Tae under the covers

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