Chapter Five: The Grand Lord

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The next morning, I was in the living room of our inn with the girls making our final preparations to head out to take our first quest. I was sitting on the Sofa tying up my boots, while the Damara was brushing her hair, and Tyvera was standing at the window overlooking the city.

Suddenly I see Tyvera's ears twitch and then there was a drastic shift in her mood. The hair on her tail became puffed out like they were all standing on end, her eyes became dilated, and she gritted her teeth displaying her fangs.

"What happened?" Damara was confused at her sudden change.

"We have company," I said tying up my last boot.

I detected them on entrance to the building as well, about twelve men, fully armed making their way to our room.

"I can smell the blood lust on some of them," Tyvera squeezed the words through her teeth.

"Please don't do anything rash, we don't want to be accused of starting a problem," I said to both of them.

Damara was slightly startled by the sudden change in Tyvera's demeanor, but after she found out the reason why she became nonchalant and resumed brushing her hair. She was completely unbothered by the potential problem. I gave myself a mental pat on the back because I was sure the reason behind her calmness was her confidence in me.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

Three steady, but loud bangs on the door signal their arrival.

I opened the door to find five fully armored and armed knights. Four of the knights stood shoulder with their kite shields held steadfast, most likely to prevent us from trying to escape. One knight stood in front of them, his armor was slightly gaudier than the knight behind him equipped with a finely crafted black pin, so I assumed him to be the captain of this squadron.

Their levels were fairly respectable in the high forty's to mid fifty's, however, te captain in front of me was level sixty-seven.

They far exceeded the soldiers I seen around the city, most of them didn't exceed level fifteen.

The gaudy captain night was also wearing a helmet, I couldn't even see his eyes I just looked where his eyes were supposed to be.

"Are you Joten Caru," He asked, his voice was clear and as steadfast as the shields of the knights at his back.

"Yes I am, is there a problem?" I asked.

"My name is Percy Henry of the Falmouth City chivalric order. I am here by the order of the grand lord, grand lord Farris Ernest Falmouth V. The presence of your associate's and yourself are requested at the estate of the grand lord immediately," He held out a scroll that unrolled itself using gravity. I was taken aback by something as simple as the penmanship of the document before I started to read it. The thick ink on the paper made the words look almost 3-D. It also featured the crest and signature of the grand lord in question signifying the authenticity of the document.

The content of the letter echoed the words he spoke verbally, but there was also no reason listed.

"Although you say request, it doesn't seem like I have an option of saying no. Do you know why the grand lord is demanding my presence?" I asked him with an emphasis on the word demand.

"I was told to bring you with me by any means necessary, although strongly advised against the use of violence. Just a fair warning, raising your weapon at a knight could be considered treason, which carries a harsh penalty. I am not sure what the reason is, I am only here to deliver a message, so please come with me," He responded and stood stock-still waiting for my response.

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