Chapter Five Part Two

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I was on the floor completely distraught at what just happened.

I earned the title of sword saint for two reasons. The first was because of my skill with the sword. I have slain an uncountable amount of monsters with the metal blade at my waist, even surviving an encounter with a dragon. Many have stepped up to challenge me for the right to be called the greatest swordsman, but none have succeeded.

The second reason was because of my ability to use holy magic, a derivative of light magic, so most people literally refer to me as the saint.

The moment he put his hand on the hilt of his blade I felt the pressure it exuded. Samwell was an elite swordsman in his own right, but as soon as I felt that pressure I knew that if he pulled his weapon that boy would respond with lethal aggression.

I pulled out all my stops, using my strongest skill, A sacred art, Uriel's Brilliance Blade, a magic attack that created an indestructible blade of light that could split a mountain. It was a skill that in all my years of being a swordsman this skill met my certain victory.

"Salis..." Mervin approached me holding his hand out to help me off the ground.

With his help, I was able to get back on my feet, but my legs were still weak and I was forced to sit down.

"Here, it's a mana potion," Mervin handed me a small glass vial.

"Thank you, my friend," He was indeed my best friend. Someone I have adventured with since we were young. We climbed to the peak of gold rank together, before retiring to this cushy job after we both took on a family.

The Brilliance Blade was a one and done attack, I had ten seconds, well maybe five now, I'm not as young as I use to be and it's been years since I actually used it.

It required all of my mana and I am pretty useless once that time was up.

"Salis, I know what my eyes were just witnessing to, but did I see what I thought I have seen?" Mervin asked he was as distraught as I was.

"Yes, that boy and the sword he used shattered my sacred art, easily at that." I was able to recover half my mana with the potion I was given so my physical strength had returned, but physically and mentally I was still at sea.

"Silas, did you feel what I felt?" Horace asked.

Horace never missed anything. The acuity of his perception was borderline inhuman.

"Yes, I did," I answered

"You may have just saved Samwell's life," he said while looking at the lad who was still passed out on the floor.

"So he is that amazing huh?" Lord Falmouth asked, "But was it his weapon being amazing or him?"

"That's hard for me to say my lord, but I can say this with certainty, to wield a blade like that you must have the prerequisite skill," I answered.

"I see Azra, I'd like for you to trail them and gather information," he asked of her.

Azra had a look in her eyes that I've never seen from her.

She was normally the strong silent type and has done a fair amount of the Lord's dirty deeds, but for the first time, there wasn't a quick nod of the head followed by her disappearance.

Judging from the lord's facial reaction he was astonished by this as well.

"My lord, I know it's not my place to speak on any political affairs, but I highly recommend against tailing that boy."

"Why is that Salis?" Lord Falmouth asked me in response to my comment.

"We have already shown him hostility with sending knights to his room first thing in the morning and summoning him here, to add to that there was Samwell's aggressiveness if Azra was to be detected while she is tailing him he could start identifying us as a threat or an enemy. I don't think you want to be his enemy. If we were to push him out of Falmouth city, it would be our loss."

"I understand your concern Salis, but he is only level eighty-five you are stronger and Azra has never been detected, ever." He said confidently.

I couldn't allow him to continue on this path of ignorance. My family lives here too, and allowing Joten Caru to continue to be a citizen of this city it was best for everyone.

"Lord Falmouth, I will end it with this. I do not care what that sheet of paper in front of you says, there is no way in the heavens that man is level eighty-five. Look at his list of accomplishments, it's unfeasible, and when I crossed blades with him it was clear I wasn't on the same playing field as him. If he decides to ally with another nation he could shift the power dramatically in their favor. If balance is what you seek, I highly suggest you heed me.

He began looking around the room at the others gathered and there stoic facial expression showed they were siding with me.

"I see if you think so highly of him Salis this is a more delicate situation than I ever imagined." 

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