11. Gifts

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At some point in the night, they must have fallen asleep. Liam barely remembered the warmth that had hit him and resting on Theo's shoulder. He had barely felt Theo's cheek to do the same against his hair. Then nothing. The fact is that the TV was still on, the sun was high in the sky and Mason, Nolan and Corey just standed here, staring at them by the threshold, wiggy in their pajamas.

"Do you think we should wake them up?" Nolan asked, still sleepy.

Corey shrugged. "Nay, let them sleep. Honestly, I do not want to be here when they wake up" He took the remote and turned off the TV.

Mason chuckled, holding up the phone and taking a picture of them. "This is for when Liam tries to deny" Corey smiled, taking Mason by the hand and driving up the stairs.

"Let's go to sleep, Nolan, it's just dawn"

Nolan raised an eyebrow, watching them go up, before doing the same "But if it's past ten"


This time it was Liam who woke up first. Probably because of the sun that was literally blinding him from the window, or perhaps because of the pain in his back that made him thank that he was a werewolf with healing abilities because otherwise he doubted he would ever walk again.

Or perhaps simply because of the feeling of Theo's hot body against his. Liam opened his eyes slowly, and tilted his head to look at Theo, wedged between the back of the sofa and Liam's body, lying almost completely on top of him, his head resting on Liam's chest, his arms gently wrapping his waist. Liam's heart picked up at the view - and he thanked Theo not to be awake to hear it - but he relaxed right away, seeing the blissful and peaceful expression on the other boy's face. He could not keep his lips from tilting into a fond smile, and he raised his right hand - the only one not crushed under the weight of their bodies - to slightly dodge Theo's hair from his face, fingers that then maybe hovered a little too long on Theo's cheekbone, before he decided to withdraw his hand.

At that moment he found himself thinking that despite his sore back, despite the few hours of sleep, he had never slept better in his life. Theo had to think in the same way because he gave a pleasant groan - which had nothing to do for sure with the way he had slept with his legs bent backwards and that did not for sure send a shiver through Liam's spine - before slowly opening his eyes and raise the only free hand he had, the one resting on Liam's stomach, to rub his eyes, as he always did.

This was before he realized he was lying completely on top of Liam, who was watching him. Liam saw Theo's eyes widen slightly, moving his head to lean his chin on his chest to face him, a faint blush that colored his cheeks, before the usual Theo took again hold of him.

"Are you about to kick me out of this couch? Because this time I would like to be warned before" he grinned.

"I don't know, I'm still thinking about it," Liam said, pretending to be thoughtful,

"So you can really think?" Theo asked as he sat up, his hair messy and his eyes still sleepy.

"Where do you find the strength to be an asshole just woke up?" Liam grumbled, taking the sheet and using it to cover his head.

Theo chuckled "It's a gift" Then he looked at the TV "Hey, I'm sure when I fell asleep, you were already drooling on my shoulder-"

"I don't drool!" Liam protested, his voice muffled by the blanket.

"Oh yeah you do, I could even have a picture"

Liam took off the cover suddenly. "It's not true!"

Theo chuckled, then pointed to the TV again "-Who turned off the TV?"

"Not me" "Me neither"

"Oh no" Liam moaned, looking up. "So-"
"Yes, we did it!" Mason's voice shouted from the stairs. "And yeah we saw you, now see if you can get dressed because it's almost noon and I'm hungry!" Finally Mason's head peeked in the door, with a grin "By the way- Merry Christmas"

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