2. Co-captains

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"You know, I think it's the very first party we're going to that doesn't include supernatural disasters since we entered high school" Mason said thoughtfully, tossed on Liam's bed with the joystick in his hand.

Liam from the floor turned to look at him. "It's not a real party, Mase" he pointed out. "Melissa, Argent, the sheriff and Parrish will be there, and Derek too, who is probably the least party person I've ever met. And we can not get drunk"

"What kind of guy is this Derek?" Mason asked curious

"Argent with the fangs"

Mason widened his eyes "It looks scary" Liam chuckled.

"Anyway, seriously - remember the bonfire in the first year?"

"You mean that time when I was almost burned alive?"

"That's the point. And then that time to the Sinema, with that chimera scorpion who has almost practically killed Corey. And party at Scott's with the Ghost Riders?" Mason counted on his fingers and then shook his head. "We had a horrible youth"

"It's not easy to go to parties when someone tries to kill you day in and day out" Liam said.

"You know, we should have fun now that we can. Before another supernatural apocalypse felt on us"

"That's why we're going to a party tonight"

"I thought it was not a party" Liam rolled his eyes.

Scott had decided to organize a small party for the pack and its allies at his home, to celebrate the end of the battle and the defeat of the Anuk-ite. Actually, there was not much to celebrate. After all, Monroe had only run away, it was not over yet. But Mason was right. They deserved a little peace and normality for once. It was also the last chance to be all together, since Lydia, Stiles, Scott and Malia were about to leave. In college, in Virginia or in France, wherever it was, they were about to leave. The war had only delayed the inevitable. Liam knew it, but that he was ready for this was a different story. He sighed in distress.

"Are you thinking about Theo?" Mason asked amusedly.

Liam gave him an unimpressed look. "No Mason, different from how you like to think, I do not spend every second of my life thinking about Theo"

"Sure? Green eyes, Liam, perfect skin, perfect body, six-pack abs-"

"Bla bla bla" Liam shouted above him, looking away and making him laugh.

"Did you talk about it in the end?" Liam nodded. "And-?"

"We made a deal," he muttered, continuing to concentrate on the game. "A deal?" Mason repeated confused.

"It will not happen again and we will not talk about it again"

Mason stood looking at him, bewildered as his sniper died inside the screen. "Are you sure that's what you want?"

"Sure, Mason," he snorted. "As I told you I do not think about Theo every second of my life" At most once a day, or maybe two, but who's counting?

"You know, maybe I'll be wrong ... but I have the strange feeling that all that will backfire on you sooner or later"

"Why should it?" Liam asked, frowning at his best friend, who sighed exasperatedly.

"First of all, because you are absolutely incapable of 'ignoring anything and not talking about it'"

"I can surely do it" "Okay we'll see," Mason challenged him with a sneer. "We'll see"

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