Return to Kimlar

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Spring had come to Kimlar, but no flowers were blooming.  A thick layer of grey ash covered the land, and nothing would grow.  In the tiny village, the only sign of life was the smoke, curling from the chimney of the inn. But, all the same, it was a bright spring day, and something fresh blew on the air.

The bearded innkeep, Muldoon, was cutting logs outside the inn, when he heard a voice call out.

'Hey, innkeep... we've come about that job.'

Muldoon looked up and scratched his chin, then smiled.  'What'd that be... cleaning out the outhouse or mucking out the pigs?'

'I'll do both if you're paying 1000 gold!'  Simarl strode up to Muldoon and clapped him on the back.  Nirgalen was beside Simarl and shook the old man's hand.

'Aye... and then I said, you've signed with yer soul... make sure you can redeem it.  What the flaming hell are you two doing back here?'  Muldoon looked emotional and hadn't asked the question that he really wanted to ask.

'We're just here for the beer.  I take it you still have some of that watered-down hogswill inside: like making love in a canoe... fracking close to water, I know, but we've built up a mighty thirst on the way here.'  Simarl grinned his most charming grin and the innkeep couldn't refuse.

'Well, if you puts it like that... come on inside.'

It was only once Muldoon had entered the inn, that three hooded figures approached the building.

Muldoon was inside, pouring the beers, and wiping down his wooden tankards, when he looked up at the three newcomers to the bar.  The first threw back her hood.

'Eylana!'  Tears welled up in Muldoon's eyes.  Eylana walked up to Muldoon and gave him a hug.

'I think you should have a sit down... and maybe a swift drink.'  Eylana walked Muldoon over to a chair, sat him down and put a pint of beer in front of him.  It was then that the second girl threw back her hood.

'Leyla... is that you?'

'Well... more or less.'  The young girl, who had been Muldoon's daughter, ran to him and threw her arms around him.  'There are a few things I'll need to explain, to you, but that can come later.  It's good to be home.'

'And Muldoon... what about that thousand gold, eh?'  Simarl, was never one to miss out on an opportunity.

'Ah, well,' said Muldoon, wasn't the deal that you bring back the head of what took Leyla?'

'And, that we can do.'  Simarl pointed to the last of the three women, as Mia-Karla threw back her hood.  Muldoon was now just confused.  All he saw before him was a beautful woman, with long blonde hair and the most wonderful scent he had ever smelt.

'Muldoon... meet Mia.'  Simarl made the introductions.

'Pleased to meet you miss.'

'And pleased to meet you, Mr. Muldoon.'  Mia-Karla offered her hand to Muldoon, who gently kissed it, before standing up, bowing and then sitting down again.

The door opened again and it was another gloved and hooded person.  The hood came off and there stood Gamesh.  He walked with a limp and looked like a shadow of his former self.

'Muldoon.  We'd like to use the inn.'  Gamesh sat down at the table opposite Muldoon.

'Hmmm, what was it you had in mind?'  It was Gamesh that Muldoon spoke to, but it was Simarl who answered.

'We're thinking of planning a surprise for the Kula-Mar.'

Muldoon smiled.  'Now, that does sound like a plan.'

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