Need To Know Things

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There are two types of 'queen' I will be using in this story. The 'Queen', with a capitol Q, is the ruler alongside the King. A 'queen', lowercase, is a female dragon who is about to nurse or is already nursing.

A "whelp" is a baby dragon and stays the same until it becomes an adolescent, then a fledgling. Once they are a little bigger and older, their parents will teach them to fight with their claws and show how to defend themselves as well. They also can 'hover' if there are strong gusts of wind, this helps build the muscles in their wings.

Adolescents are now able to breathe fire, seeing as their body has evolved to create a small or medium sized burst of flame. They are now able to fly, however not for long distances and they are not very coordinated nor smooth when flying, so they practice flying to become better and more stable.

Fledglings are now twice the size they were at their 'whelp' stage. They can breathe enormous amounts of fire and fly smoothly and have powerful jaws and sharp claws and teeth.

Fire Dragons are known to keep near volcanoes or a space near extreme heat. They will lay their eggs inside the volcano and only one or two will survive the heat(Mother Nature's way of survival of the fittest). Fire dragons are known to be very fierce and protective of their territory and family with the strength and power to back it up. Usually stocky and very muscular.

Wind Dragons are known for their agility and speed in the sky. They are slightly different because their wings develop faster and they are able to take to the skies earlier than the other dragons. Wind Dragons usually live on mountaintops and are known to avoid conflict and battles at all costs. Slim and flexible allows them to out maneuver just about anything in the sky.

Earth Dragons are actually rather quiet and are very aware of their surroundings. They are usually seen as good leaders and master persuaders. They are very strategic and not shy of a battle. Not very strong in the physical sense, but in multiple numbers, they are hard to defeat. Prefers ambushing.

Water Dragons are very intelligent and prefer to sleep in water. When fighting, they always look for opportunities and will not hesitate to take it, usually coming out victorious. Though they have wings, they prefer to use their special webbed feet and stay underwater. They are more agile in water than in the sky, being slow and not as quick.

And that should be it, hope you enjoy the story from here on out!

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