A Sad Ending To A New Beginning

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The day comes when the queen is woken from her sleep by her egg, which was wiggling and cracking. She uncurls her body and watches the egg, giving a small purr of encouragement. She gently picks the egg up and and sits on her back legs. The egg wiggles a little more and a the top half completely cracks. She gently takes the top off and a ruby red scaled dragon popped its head up. The queen's purr gets louder as she looks into sparkling yellow eyes. Light coming from the magma shows off the whelp's silver trim.

With what strength the queen had left, she gently lowered the egg and laid down on her side with a pained huff. Moments later, the whelp and its egg toppled over and it let out a wail. Illocus lifted her head and gently nudged the whelp towards her belly. She noticed that her whelp was a boy. She had a little prince. His wail must've alerted quite a few dragons as the King and another queen rushed in. The queen looks fondly at her mate before looking back at her son. "Jaci ui vi clever ir," He is a clever one. she speaks, her voice raspy. Kieghirth looks shocked but the gender didn't matter to him anymore, seeing his son made him happier than ever. "Jacida ominak geou qe Kersonom." His name will be Kersonom.

The queen nudged Kersonom a little closer to her belly. Jieghirth turns to the other queen and tells her to fetch some water and food. She leans a little closer and lays her head down next to him, "Sia moxt wanotreyx." She leaves her eyes open for a moment longer before they close and her body goes unnaturally still.When Jieghirth turns back to his mate, he notices that she is no longer breathing. He leans down and nudges her with no response. He lets out a sound, a sound of grief and sadness, hearing the queen come back with another dragon.

A queen comes forward, her head bowed as she take Kersonom away. The little whelp lets out a wail at the loss of his food. The queen takes the small whelp and finds another queen who had also recently given birth and told the queen what happened.

Jieghirth spent the entire night next to his mate. He found it hard to believe she was dead, then he looked at her lifeless body and he was reminded that this was the harsh reality - his mate was dead. When morning came, he was awoken by two queens and a warrior standing at the entrance. They flew her body out, the sky a dark gray and thunder rolling in the distance. He found her favorite spot in a clearing and helped bury her. His mate was dead, but he had a son to take care of. He gave one last look at her grave before taking off to meet his son.


A/N: Sad, I know, and I am sorry. But, there will be a happy end to this, I promise! I will up date as often as I can. Feel free to leave comments and give me ideas for a new story, since I already have this one figured out. I will see you in the next chapter!

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