A Dark Omen

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Years had passed since the death of the Fire Dragon Queen. In that time, her whelp grows quickly but her mate, Jieghirth, grew distant and cold. He was no longer a noble king. Jieghirth was easily agitated and disappeared for many days, sometimes weeks. He also began to start unnecessary fights with the other dragon clans. Soon, with his new tyrant behavior, the Fire Clan no longer called him Jieghirth, but Mynnet, which in Dragon Tongue means The Dark One.

He didn't want anything to do with the Fire Clan or any other dragon for that matter, not even his son. He left all the training to older warrior dragons. Of course, Kersonom, son of Jieghirth and Illolus, was affected deeply. He lost his mother at birth and now his father refused to do anything that involved him or the Clan. To say the least, Kersonom was emotionally broken.

But during these years, Kersonom finally began to take charge over the Clan, stepping in where he could but left the bigger things to the more experienced Dragons who knew what they were doing. Soon, Kersonom gave up trying on his father and was no longer affected by his father's behavior. Kersonom focused on his training and becoming future king of the Fire Clan.

~Kersonom's POV~

I stand on the edge of the volcano that lies within the Fire Clan's territory. Here, the queens and seniors are able to take care of young whelps and enjoy the warmth of the magma. The sun shone brightly in the clear sky, making my scales glow like flame. I breathe in deeply, and close my eyes, taking in the scent of the forest below and faint scent of the Earth Dragons. The small breeze picks up and I open my wings against it. A familiar scent surrounds me. I know it from somewhere but from where? One of the foster queens who helped raise me? No. This scent was different. This scent was of honey and lavender. It made me feel safe and warm and comforted, something that was missing from my days as a whelp.

I open my eyes and I don't see anyone. I look all around but nothing. Just me, the sun, and the sky. I close my eyes again and breathe in the scent more. I finally remember! The scent surrounds me and I let out a small whine of grief.

Dask. Mother.

A sudden chill makes makes me shiver and suddenly the scent is gone. I open my eyes. I am no longer on the volcano but at the base of it. I turn and and look at the clearing and let out a startled cry of shock and fear. In the place of what should have been a beautiful clearing is now a wasteland of bodies piled onto bodies. I notice that the piles were not just Dragon, but human too.

A crack of lightning strikes the sky, splitting it open followed by thunder so deep I thought it was the ground breaking. I turn and look up to the top of the volcano to see pitch black clouds shaped like claws coming over the sides. Not even the brightest star could penetrate this darkness. The two claws grip the sides of the volcano and a pair of glinting, malicious yellow eyes appear at the top.

Something starts oozing out of the volcano, thick and dark. Despite its thickness, it runs down the hill like a river overflowing. I try to run, fly, anything but I am stuck to the ground. I look down and see a body at my feet, too dark to have any real features and suddenly I am covered in blood and wounds. I look up and I watch as the liquid reaches the base of the volcano and a coppery scent hits me. Blood. The dark liquid reaches me and almost sweeps me away. The scent is strong and I feel dizzy and sick, and the stench of the bodies were making everything so much worse.

The blood rises until it consumes me, choking me and and may senses. I try to cry out but nothing. Blood fills my mouth and I flail around. Slowly, my vision becomes darker and I get weaker. I hear a voice, gentle but full of fear, that heeds a dark warning, "Kersonom, a darkness is coming. The island will be ruled by blood. Your time is coming, be prepared!" Soon, my vision goes completely dark and I am sent into nothingness. Suddenly, a burst of bright light comes through and blinds me through my closed eyes and I come to.


I awake with a jolt, panting and shaking. The coppery taste of blood lingers in my mouth as I squint against the light shining through the entrance to my nest. I leap to my feet and steady myself. I run to the edge of the entrance and leap up, soaring to the top of the mountain. Before I got halfway, I almost crash into Boddrar, a senior dragon and my mentor.

"Woah there youngster," he chuckles. "I was coming to get you since you weren't at the Oak Tree." He notices how I am shaking. "You okay there, youngster?" I take deep breaths to calm myself down and finally I nod, looking into Boddrar's blue eyes, unusual for a Fire Dragon. He looks over me suspiciously before giving me a small nod. "Ready for your battle training?" I nod again, this time with enthusiasm and we fly to the surface.

I land on the edge of the volcano and look around, seeing nothing but lush greenery for miles and miles. I look down at the clearing and see flowers blooming and a small group of fledglings and their mentors. There is no blood, no scent of a storm on the wind, not even a cloud in the sky. There was no evidence that my vivid dream was true. Of course, I think. It was just a dream. I was so lost in thought I didn't realize that Boddrar had already taken off and was halfway down the volcano.

"Kersonom, you said you were okay. C'mon youngster!" He calls. I give myself a small shake and open my wings. I look back at the sky behind me and I shudder. I jump from the edge and glide down the side of the volcano and land next to the three other fledglings and their mentors. I try forget about my dream when Boddrar and the other mentors begin talking about today's lesson. But the best I can do is leave it in the back of my mind.


A/N: I have returned! I am sorry it took so long to update, this chapter threw me for a loop. Anyways, in my previous chapters, I used Dragon Tongue instead of English and put the translation next to it in italics. In this chapter, I used English instead. Do you guys prefer me using English or the Dragon Tongue? I personally prefer using English and using Dragon's Tongue when someone is really emotional. Tell me what you think in the comments! If you guys prefer English, I will go back and change it in the previous chapters.

If something doesn't make sense, please let me know in the comments!

 I hope to update more frequently in the future! See you in the next chapter! Hasta luego!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2019 ⏰

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