Preview: 2012! TMNTXReader

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~~Happy World Turtle Day!! 5/23/19 That's basically why I published this.~~

Leonardo ( Nora)

You were walking down an unusually quiet street in New York City along with your friend April and her dad, Mr. O'Neil. April had invited you to the movies, but, after finding out that you wouldn't be allowed to go without adult supervision, asked her dad to come as well.

"Seriously, thank you so much April and Mr. O'Neil. My parents never let me go out. I still don't know how you managed to convince them," you told them.

"Don't worry about it, but how did you girls like the movie?" Mr. O'Neil asked.

"It was incredible!" you exclaimed.

"I thought it was so so. You could see the ending a mile away and the female lead had to be rescued far too many times," April replied.

"Only because she sacrificed herself in order to help the male lead realize his potential," you replied.

"Right, I forgot you were into the 'damsel in distress saved by her prince' stories," April teased you.

"They saved each other! Besides, what's wrong with those kinds of stories?" you mumbled and puffed your cheeks out.

"Nothing," she laughed and raised her hands in defense.

"What about you Mr. O'Neil?" you asked him.

"I thought it was pretty good, although I had a slight problem with the way the dad never realized his daughter was missing for 3 days," he replied.

Your conversation, however, was cut short when a van sped by and stopped in front of you three. A man came out of the front and then 4 identical men came out of the back of the van. Mr. O'Neil pushed you and April behind him and stepped back.

"You have to run," you urged them.

"Who says they're after us?" April asked.

"It's a risk you both shouldn't be willing to take," you replied.

"What do you mean by 'you both'?" April asked you.

Before she could ask something else you ran towards the men and butterfly kicked the one in the white shirt. You glanced back at April and Mr. O'Neil only to see three of the men grab on to them. You turned back around when a man grabbed your wrist. You noticed his strong grip, so with all the force you could muster, you twisted his arm and kicked his leg from behind to make him fall.

"Guys, wait for me!" You heard someone yell.

You were surrounded by those men, but 4 green humanoid turtles jumped in. You stood flabbergasted until you noticed how they were not on the same page.

" Don't worry Miss, I'll save you," one wearing a blue bandana boasted right before his swords were stopped on accident by the one in purple.

"You guys aren't exactly a well-oiled machine," you commented.

The fight progressed, making you unable to get anywhere near April. You managed to catch a glimpse of her being saved by the turtle in purple. He extended a hand out to help her up, but she screamed and backed away.

"Take his hand! He's only trying to help!" you heard someone scream at her.

When you tried finding where the voice came from you noticed two men walking towards April, ready to grab her. One of them was about to kick the turtle, but before you could warn him, the man was shot in the leg with an arrow.


Raphael   (Ella )

Many years of enslavement have made you lose hope. The only thing keeping you going was the memory of your older brother. He had been the only family you had left. Sure, he went about it wrong but everything he did was for you.

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