Chapter 2

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Troye's POV

The bell rang, startling me from my thoughts.

Why hasn't Kayla texted me at all today? Is she ok?

Good thing I get to see her like, now. I run to the door of the English room trying to avoid the people saying "HI TROYE!!!" Or "HOW ARE YOU"

I just want to get to class and find out what's up with Kayla.

I enter the room and I see Kayla sitting in her normal spot, at my desk. "Hi Kayla, I was worried sick!" I tell her and she reassures me that everything's alright. "Except.." She says. "Maybe we should go to a spot where it's more private" I tell her. "No, it's fine. I just kinda want the world to know never to go near my dirtbag ex boyfriend!!" She says. "No he didn't." I say, shocked and concerned. I turn around to see who heard her, and my eyes lock with a pair of very familiar ones.

Tyler Oakley is staring at me.

His eyes widen, as if to say "please don't hurt me"

Little he knows I would never hurt him.

Tyler was the first person to speak up and say he didn't believe that nasty rumor that me and Kayla were a thing.

Tyler was so embarrassed when it got leaked that he had a crush on me.

Tyler was the person I intentionally try to sit Infront of in all my classes with him.

Tyler was the person who probably stopped liking me when the rumor about Kayla and I got leaked

I was the person who never stopped liking him and only him, since it slipped out that he liked me.

Kayla doesn't know I'm gay. My parents, my siblings, my classmates all don't know. I can't tell them ever.

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