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Teresa entered the apartment. Reconditioned, cleaned up, with furniture, it seemed to her cozy and more suitable for her. She placed the bags at the couch and looked out the window. Her blue pickup truck stood at the curb, arousing interest of passers-by. What was it about? Was too clean? Too new ? She walked away from the window and began unpacking. Ever since stepped over the threshold of the apartment felt unspeakable relief that she does not have to live with Vincent. When she left this morning, he was not at home. He and his son went to pasture. Tom wished her good luck, but on his face there was relief or joy. First there was an intruder in the "no female" world Vincent Tucker, and after two weeks, none of the men said a word to her move out. She sighed and walked into new kitchen. She had to do some shopping. And this from scratch.

Unpacked suitcases with considerable difficulty has been pushed into the cabinet. Tess looked at the bedroom. New bed with wrought iron trim, white linen with black flowers, delicate curtains in the window - everything smelled new and clean. Finally, she had access to the Internet and phone, and her cell phone took life again - everything was almost like home.


Shopping at the grocery store proved to be a challenge, because she was the attraction for the local population. She was smiling at strangers and nodded their greeting. Apparently, her help on the Robertson's farm, did not pass unnoticed.

- ... She did not take a penny from Emma ... what kind of doctor treats for free? - two women have passed Tess right on the shelf of canned soup. Tess tried to pretend not to hear, reading the fourth time the label on the can.

- But the cow and the calf survived - noticed the other woman

- Everyone has a little bit of luck ... - snorted the first woman packing to cart two cans - Good morning Doctor - smiled artificially to Tess.

In response Tess returned the equally hypocritical smile, grinding curse in the mouth.

- Good morning. As your animals? - asked sardonically

The woman paused in surprise, and her companion looked questioningly at Tess.

- And how do you know that I have any? - asked Mrs. Critic

- I'd be surprised if they were not in your farm. Here, everyone has some animals - said Tess virulent tone - I hope that they will not need my help or vaccination - Tess put a can of soup to cart - My luck may be short-lived - she said, walking away.

She felt satisfaction, leaving two stunned women. She came out of the shop laden with purchases like a camel. Her apartment was three blocks away, so she walked slowly clenching teeth with the effort. She passed the window of her new office and looked with satisfaction at the sign on the door. Side entrance climbed to the second floor with bags filled with food. She managed to cram everything in the refrigerator and cupboards, sit on a navy blue couch with a cup of freshly brewed coffee from the new coffee maker when the doorbell rang.

Impossible! Patients already ?!

Someone called standing outside the office downstairs. She had to install the bell, not to sit in an empty office. She was surprised, expecting a long period of trial, distrust people. Meanwhile, it's been just a few hours of its removal, and already someone needed her. She put the cup on the table standing in front of her and went downstairs. In the doorway stood a dark-haired little boy in tears and held in his hands black, limp ... SOMETHING. The little boy was in the company of an older boy which could have fifteen or sixteen.

- I am Tim Blay and this is my brother Ernest. Sorry to disturb you but the cat is sick ... Ernie is very attached to him and ...

Tess let the boys into the office and looked at the crying child.

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