The Heart Can Be Always Earned In More Ways Than One

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If bragging about his newest creation wasn't getting annoying then no one knew what was to be honest. A little over a month ago Mr. Davenport decided to recreate an android which was one of his brother's high school projects. Due to this Adam, Bree and Chase did like the idea. Leo on the other hand as usual was on board to see where Mr. Davenport's plan would take him while his daughter Diana due to her hate for robots didn't want any part of it but still decided to come on the day her father decided to present to all of them his work which of course led them in the lab where Adam, Bree and Chase were training while Leo watched and Diana read a book on the sofa when her father finally showed up with his creation

 Davenport's plan would take him while his daughter Diana due to her hate for robots didn't want any part of it but still decided to come on the day her father decided to present to all of them his work which of course led them in the lab where Ad...

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Mr Davenport: Adam, Bree, chase, Leo and Diana meet Ian. My newest creation. *grins proudly from ear to ear*
Adam: cool.
Bree: not bad.
Chase: *nods* looking good.
Ian gives Adam, Bree, Chase and Leo a short greeting before his eyes land on Diana and for some reason his lips turn upwards.

Diana looks up and blinks a few times before closing her book and sitting up instead of laying on the sofa

Ian: as you know my name is Ian and you must be Diana? am i correct? *asks having his eyes on her*

Diana nods before standing up and becoming shy all of a sudden as she slowly made her way towards everyone

Ian: *chuckles as he watches her come closer* there is no need to be shy...i mean no harm.
Mr Davenport: oh yes before i forget...i'm enrolling Ian in school to see how he will react to other people.
Chase: Oh well in that case i can help him to catch up with school work. *grins a little*
Mr Davenport: that would be nice of you Chase.

Diana: Um .. actually daddy do you mind if I do that instead of Chase? *asks as she takes a braver step forward when she arrives before looking at her father as she places a hand on Ian's bisep*

Adam, Bree, Chase, Leo and Mr Davenport eyes widen in surprise upon hearing Diana say that.
Mr Davenport: are you sure sweetie?
Ian: I don't mind...i would feel honored if she helped me.
after that the Davenports jaws drop not having expected this.

Diana: So can I? *asks as she takes another step forward and moves both of her hands around Ian's waist*

Ian lips stay upwards as he doesn't thinks twice to wraps one arm around her shoulders sins he's taller then her.
Mr Davenport: If Ian is alright with it then i guess you can...i'll leave the school work to you then. *says still a little surprised and shocked at what happend*

Diana grins as she looks up as her arms tighten around Ian's waist

Ian: *looks down at Diana smiling still* i suppose i'll be in your care then, lets get along well. *grins back*


1 week later of course as the new term started Ian turned in and immediately catch all female attention which annoyed the jocks and nearly got him in trouble but he was saved on the stop by Conner 

Lab Rats Imagines & One-shots BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now