In The Arms Of An Angel

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As Jolien entered the Davenport household she was met with only one Diana who was drinking coffie and smiled a bit as soon as she saw her

Jolien: hey Diana, where is everyone? *asks looking around as she walks over to her friend*

Diana: My dad is making a robot with Chase, Bree is at the mall and Adam and Leo went to Tasha's work place

Jolien: a robot seriously? *asks raising an eyebrow as she takes a seat beside Diana* guess i shouldn't be surprised at what everyone's doing. *sighs and shakes her head a little*

Diana: The new robot is suppose to train the team but I hope it can be useful to me as well every once in a while

Jolien: *rolls her eyes* Of course he would built a robot to train Adam, Bree and Chase. *sighs* cant he think about you for once. all he ever thinks about is training the gets old and annoying.

Just then tho the front door opens and Bree, Adam and Leo come in smirking like idiots which gives the girls a well enough idea why they are this happy

Jolien: let me guess the robot Mr Daveport and chase made is done? *asks already knowing the answer*
Bree: yeah, how did you know?
Leo: i'm sure Diana told her.
Adam: wait until you girls see him. *says looking at Diana and Jolien with the same expression on his face*

Diana and Jolien roll their eyes at them before they all make their way down to the lab

it doesn't take long for all of them to arrive there.
Mr Davenport: Adam, Bree, Leo, Diana and their dear friend Jolien get ready to meet my and Chase's newest creation. *grins from ear to ear*
Chase is also grinning from ear to ear just like Mr davenport.

Soon enough the robot comes in and Diana nearly faints as her legs go weak at the charming face before her eyes

Jolien: *her eyes widen seeing Diana almost faints and her legs going weak* Diana! *calls out with worry* Before Diana can fall or stumble to the ground the robot is quick to catch her allowing Jolien to let out a breath of relief

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Jolien: *her eyes widen seeing Diana almost faints and her legs going weak* Diana! *calls out with worry*
Before Diana can fall or stumble to the ground the robot is quick to catch her allowing Jolien to let out a breath of relief.
Mr davenport: Nice catch, guys and girls meet Ian. *says smiling proudly*
Ian: are okay Diana was it? *asks with a little worry*

Diana nods as she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck while getting lost in his eyes

Ian: are you sure? *asks looking back into hers wrapping his arms a little better and tighter around her wanting to make sure she's okay and will be able to stand by herself*

Diana: Just a bit shaken. I never expected to see an angel like you in here *says as her arms around him tighten as well*

Ian: *chuckles* i could say the same about you, anyhow i would suggest you take a seat or lay down. I wouldn't want a gorgeous girl like yourself to get worse. *says helping her to a sofa that stands in the lab*

Diana: I really am fine, I promise. You just worry too much dear *says as she sits down since they have already reached the sofa*

Ian: *smiles* better safe then sorry beautiful. *winks*
Meanwhile Adam, Bree, Chase and Leo watch with wide eyes of surprise and shock not having suspected that.
Jolien on the other hand giggles finding it pretty cute and is happy to see Diana like that.

Diana giggles as she nods before pulling him down and pressing her lips against his own

Ian's eyes widen but soon they droops close and kisses back feeling that it what he should do even if he's a robot.
Mr davenport: no...i can't believe it...
Chase: Diana is kissing Ian...
Bree: Ian is a robot...Diana is kissing a robot...
Leo: should i or we be seeing this? *asks having the same wide eyes and dropped jaws as everyone ells*
Jolien: *giggles again* Nothing is impossible guys. *says watching Diana and Ian with a smile*

When the need for air however reaches her Diana pulls away but gets surprised when she sees Ian now on one knee between her legs

Ian smiles once he sees her eyes are on him once again.

Diana smiles back as she cups his face with her hands and caresses them with nothing but love and care

Ian continues to smile at her lays his hand over hers keeping his eyes locked with hers.
Jolien: i think we should leave the two of them alone for a while. *smiles and she pushes and guides everyone out of the lab*

Diana: Who do you serve now my darling angel? *asks as she inches her face closer to his once again*

Ian: You Diana, no one but you...i will be whatever you want me to be...i'm your forever...your wish is my command. *says connecting their lips once again*

Diana squeals before kissing him back as her arms snake back around his neck and lays down on the sofa with him flat against her body since he wasn't heavy at all to her

Meanwhile up stairs Eddie is telling everyone whats happening in the lab.
Leo: i don't wanna hear or see it. *says quickly rushing to his room not wanting to hear anymore*
Mr Davenport and Chase: I can't believe it...
Adam: Ian a robot...
Bree: is making out with Diana who's human. *says shocked, surprised and disbelief*
Jolien: *giggles having seen this coming from the moment she saw Diana's reaction to Ian* like i said...nothing is impossible guys. *watches amused as the other Davenport family members need to sit down and the expressions they have on*

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