f i v e

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[namjoon p.o.v.]

today is yoongi's birthday. the members and i have planned a special surprise party for him, we wanted to make him happy. 

we waited outside his door, waiting for him to wake up, waiting for him to come.

but he never did. the minutes ticked on, and we still stood, waiting. 

jin eventually gave up and knocked on his door. no reply. he knocked again, but yoongi didn't seem to be awake. we all knew yoongi was a heavy sleeper.

"yoongi! wake up, we have something to tell you..." hoseok called out, hoping to wake him up. but still, yoongi never opened the door. 

i stepped forwards and knocked. "come on yoongi, we're all out here, man. we need you today."

i knew yoongi was either awake and avoiding us, or he had slept through his alarm. he always wakes up at 6:00am, it's currently 6:12am.  i knocked again. "yoongi? are you okay in there?"

no reply. i was starting to get worried. "yoongi, come on dude! alright, if you don't open the door, i'm kicking it down! one, two, three..." with all my force, i threw myself at the door. it didn't take much effort as i'm the god of destruction.

although every one of us was smiling, exciting to see the look on yoongi's face when we sang happy birthday to him, we all screamed.

yoongi was not sitting in bed, smiling his gummy smile at the sight of us.

yoongi was lying on the floor, eyes closed and dry blood everywhere. there was a note beside him, and a bottle of pills in his hand. his skin was cold and pale.

he was dead.

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