Where's the Whiskey?

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Cross blinked rapidly, staring up at the slightly drunk looking man as he glanced irritably over the two of them.

"You're our tributes?" He grunted, a brow raising and head tipping back so he was looking down at them from an angle. "You look so small." He pointed at Cross, as if accusing him of a crime.

"I-I-- I cant help it sir." He spluttered, slightly surprised that those were his first words.

Horror ignored him, his burning red eye resting on Nick, who was currently far more interested in the fabric of his jacket to bother making eye contact. "You. Boy."

Nick let out an irritable sigh, tilting his head up to stare at him. "What?"

The man blinked, almost looking offended as he stared at him. "You seem like more of a fighter."

He held up his middle finger in response.

Horror let out an amused laugh, glancing around. "I'll never understand why they think children can fight in something like the Hunger Games. But oh well, people never change. Now... Where's the whiskey?"

Lust gave the two an apologetic look as Horror stumbled over to the table full of snacks, mumbling under his breath. "I'm sorry about him. Ever since his win he sort of lost it. He spends all his winning riches on alcohol these days."

Horror glanced over at Lust, his expression going sour as he grabbed the tall bottle of whiskey. "You're dressed a little skimpily, aren't you?"

The skeleton blinked, glancing down at himself. "Oh well uh, sorry? It's the Capitals style these days."

He grunted, rolling his eyes and pouring himself a glass. "Capitals huh? Listen here kids, here's your first survival tip out there."

Cross immediately perked up, leaning forwards a bit and paying more attention.

Horror sat down on a seat, scratching around the crack in his skull for a moment before taking a large gulp of whiskey. "If you want to live, you'll need sponsors. And sponsors are people that like you because of the impression you give off. A little package from them could be the difference between life and death. So I suggest you look at little slut here's style and think would I look good in that outfit?"

"Maybe Cross would." Nick said with a snicker. That was the first time he'd ever spoken with any emotion.

"I-I would not!" Cross yelped in protest and shaking his head rapidly. "I'd rather die!"

Horror laughed out loud, staring at Cross. "Maybe we'll tip off Emily about that for the tribute parade."

"Don't you dare!" He hissed, his face flushing slightly in embarrassment.

"He's kidding sweetheart." Lust reassured, whacking Horror over the back of his head with his hand. "Stop teasing them."

Horror let out a drunk yelp, gripping onto Lust's wrist to stop him from slapping him again. "Maybe I'll just tease you later."

The smaller grunted, pulling his hand out of the taller's grip. "In your drunken state, I don't even want to know what context that was in."

"Mm, you'll find out later." He muttered before lurching to his feet suddenly, scratching around the shattered part of his skull again. "You know what? I'm gonna go back to bed."

"Huh?" Cross looked up at him in alarm as he grabbed onto the full bottle of whiskey. "But aren't you meant to mentor us? Tell us what to do and how to win?"

"I just did." He rolled his eyes. "Sponsors kid, sponsors."

"Th-That can't be it! What about fire making and hunting and how to fight?!" He called out.

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