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"Nightmare?!" Cross crashed through the bushes, soul pounding louder than ever. Why had there been a cannon shot? Was it for Nightmare? Was it for someone else?

"Nightmare answer me!" He yelled, looking around in helpless panic as he found himself back in the clearing where Nightmare and him had split up only minutes ago.

No answer came for him other then the call of birds and rustle of leaves in the tamed wind. No sign of the dark skeleton.

At the side of the clearing, Nightmare's hoodie lay splayed out, basking in the sun. Piled on top, a small handful of dark berries lay. Those berries...

"NIGHTM-- MpHF--" Cross' panicked call got cut off suddenly as he collided with something, a dead weight slamming into his chest and sending him sprawling in the grass. He coughed up blood, spitting it on the ground and looking up above him in panic to see his attacker. It could have been the person that killed Nightmare!

He swung his knife at them without thinking, just instantly assuming that it would be an enemy. But instead of feeling his knife hit bone, his wrist was practically crushed in an iron grip.


The pressure on his wrist lessened and he fell to the floor, clutching it and gasping in pain. He stared up at them in surprise, eyes wide. "N-Nightmare?"

"That's my name." He crouched down, gently gripping onto his wrist and staring at it. "Sorry, I didn't recognise you at first."

"Yeah, m-me neither." He swallowed and watched as Nightmare bent and curled each of his fingers, making sure he hadn't broken any. "I-I thought that cannon shot was for you, so I rushed to try find you."

The taller nodded. "I was doing the same. Just not while screaming my head off."

"Shut up." He muttered, pulling his hand from Nightmare's grip. "Just shows that I care about you more than you do for me."

He raised a brow in amusement, smirking. "Is that so?"

"Apparently." He scowled and looked to the side before suddenly remembering the berries he'd saw. "Wait- Where'd you get those berries?!"

"Uh, over there." Nightmare pointed behind them at some bushes, his other hand holding one of the fat round fruits in between his forefinger and thumb. "Why, are they dangerous?"

"Those are Nightlock!" He cried, smacking the berry out of his hand and sending it flying to the ground. "You'd be dead within a minute!"

"Oh fuck--" Nightmare quickly wiped his hands off on his trousers, sticking his tongue out. "Good thing I didn't eat any."

"Yeah." Cross sighed weakly and slumped down, his soul beat slowly returning to an average speed. "Let's just forget looking for berries, yeah?"

"Sounds like a good plan to me." Nightmare nodded, unable to help the small smile form on his face as he sat down next to Cross and rested his chin on his shoulder. "But we should keep them."

"Keep them? Why?" Cross glanced at him, his face heating up as the teen pressed a fond kiss against his cheek.

"Dunno, Maybe Reaper and Dream like berries." He snickered, wrapping his forefinger and thumb around his thin wrist.

"Don't forget Dust." He muttered, watching as Nightmare slid his curled fingers down his wrist.

"Nah, that cannon shot was for Dust."

"You don't know that."

"Trust me, I do. He may have snapped Geno's neck like a twig but I seriously doubt he'd be able to do the same to Reaper or my brother. They'd never let him get close enough. Plus Reaper is probably going sicko mode as we speak because of what Dust did to Geno. So if I had to make any guess, I'd say that Dust just died to Reaper's hands."

Against the Odds (A Crossmare Fanfiction)  Where stories live. Discover now