Angel's Arms

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Nightmare pushed himself up on his elbows, staring in shock up at Dust. He scrabbled for his crossbow, pointing it at the teen just as he did the same with his sword.

Dust panted softly, staring down at his opponent without emotion. "You're teamed with Cross, right?"

He swallowed and nodded, faintly aware of to fact that battles were still going on around them. "Yeah? And what?"

"He protected Blue, didn't he?" He said, glancing down at Geno's dead body momentarily.

"Yeah. He told me the two of them worked together, but he couldn't save him." He shifted back nervously, wondering why neither of them had just killed each other yet.

Dust growled and lowered his sword. "Blue was a good kid, he didn't deserve this." Turning and grabbing the District Twelve rucksack he tossed it at Nightmare. "I'll let you go, just this once."

Nightmare watched in surprise as Dust slung both his and the District Two rucksack over his shoulders. The boy glanced around quickly before running, ducking under a swipe from Reaper's scythe and disappearing into the forest.

He could have laid there for at least five minutes, taking in all that had happened. But then he remembered he was in the middle of a death match arena with opponents quite literally right on top of him.

Lurching to his feet he stumbled behind the cornucopia just as Reaper made it to Geno's dead body, shouting curses.

"Geno? Geno?!" He cupped the lifeless teen's skull in his hands, a helpless expression washing over his face that Nightmare hadn't seen before. "No! Geno please!"

He sat there in defeat for a minute and Nightmare could have sworn he saw a year run down his cheek before it was wiped away quickly. Growling, he looked up and his face went dark. His eyes seemed to go blacker than usual, the permanent grin he always had slowly returning. "I'll kill them all, you hear that? I'll kill all of you!" He roared and jumping up to his feet in the direction Dust had gone.

Nightmare stayed pressed against the cornucopia until he was sure he'd left, peeling himself off of it after and turning around to face the mostly empty podiums. Upon doing so, he froze.

Stood no further than a metre away, Dream stood with an arrow trained right at his face. He glared at his twin coldly, the feathers of a arrow brushing against his cheek. He raised a brow upon seeing his brother, this actually being the first time the two had physically clashed since the first day in the arena.

"Still alive?" He sneered, moving the arrow to match Nightmare's sidestepping movements. "I'm surprised."

"I could say the same for you, brother." Nightmare growled, his tentacles slowly reaching for Geno's knife he'd used to try kill him that was now laying discarded in the grass.

But no sooner than the tip of the tentacle had curled round the knife's hilt, it was snatched quickly from him and torn out of reach.

He looked up accusingly to see Killer slip behind Dream, the knife in his hand.

The rest of the arena was silent, the remaining other three having ran back off to their hiding places, which is really what Nightmare should be doing right this very second instead of having a stand off with his brother and opponent.

Groaning under his breath, he rolled his eyes. "Look Dream," He took a hesitant sidestep closer to the podiums where the District Five rucksack had still been left abandoned "I need to go. Like, really need to go." Cross had been alone for three hours now.

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