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Third POV

"Daniel I can't believe you did this." Conner says looking at Daniel's head. Daniel smirks.

"What I don't look good as a blonde?" He asks, ruffling his messy hair. Conner leans back in his chair and puts his feet up.

"Nah, you look to much like Corbyn." He says. Daniel looks around before kicking out one of the legs on Conner's chair, making him fall to the floor.

"Now I need to change it back." Daniel says as Conner brings his chair back up and sits in it. The teacher turns around, trying his best to ignore the two, he had just given up at this point. Conner brings his short brown hair in front of his forehead and looks up at it.

"Maybe I should go blond." He says. Daniel pushes him, making him almost fall out of the chair. A bell rings and the class leaves the room.

"Alright well I'm off to therapy, talk to ya later." Conner says. Daniel and Conner do their handshake before going seperate ways. Daniel heads to his therapy class, which is across the building from Conner's. He walks into the room to see Becky, she way going through paper work but she still looked up and smiled at the boy.

"Hey Dani, loving the blond." She says as she puts away the papers. Daniel smiles and closes the door. Jonah was the only other person who was allowed to call him Dani, but he trusted this woman.

"Hey Becky, thanks." He says.He sits across from her in the plump chair. "So what do you got planned for today?" He asks putting his hands to his side. Becky smiles at him.

"Well I don't have much today, I did however want to talk about your relationship with tha prisoner that was here the other day, Jonah right?" She asks. Daniel nods. She smiles again and disappears under her desk. She comes back up with a notebook and a pen.

"So how did you meet Jonah?" She asks, clicking the pen, then handing it to Daniel, "And since I know you like to write stories, you can right it in a story form." She says and scrunched her face. Daniel's eyes lit up as he took the pen and started to write.

The young boy sat in his chair of his eleventh grade english class on the last day of school. He taps his pencil on his desk as he waits for the last bell to ring. He was ready for his classes to be over so he could see his best friend, Gabbie, she was funny and sweet but also had a bad side, Daniel was her closest friend. The bell finally rings and Daniel cheers, rushing out of the classroom. Everywhere you looked you could see teens talking, laughing, riding skateboards. Daniel leaves the main doors and looks around to finally sees the wavy haired girl.

"Gabbie!" He yelled. The girl turns around to show off her 8 month pregnancy bump. She smiles and wobbles over to the brunette. The two hug each other like they haven't been together in years, when in reality it had only been a few hours. The two break apart.

"Okay so I need you to help me pick out a dress for my date with Jack tonight." He says. Daniel playfully rolls his eyes and puts his hands in his front pockets.

"I still can't believe that you're going to have a child with this dude and I still haven't met him." He says. Gabbie smiles and pushes him slightly.

"It's only because you never have time with all of your after school clubs and shit. Buuut you can meet him tonight, I mean if you want to." She says. Daniel's head snaps up. Then he goes into a play fighting position.

"Who is this motherfucker, and who is he to think he can put his dick in my best friend?" Daniel yells. Gabbie gasps and smiles then pushes him down. He falls to the ground with a loud cry for help. He shoots back up. "I meant to do that."The two laugh as they get into the car. " So it this a let's go back to your house or let's go to the mall kind of 'let's pick out a dress?" Daniel asks. Gabbie thinks for a second.

"I'll pay." She says. Daniel nods before pulling out of the parking lot.

After six hours of shopping, the two finally make their way to  Gabbie's house. Her parents were gone which was perfect.

"Ok so he's going to be here in about an hour, so get you dress on then well get to hair and makeup okay?" Daniel asks. Gabbie nods and the two get out of the car and immediately head up to Gabbie's bedroom.

"Hey do you mind if I go to the nursery while you get dressed?" Daniel asks. Gabbie pulls off her sweatshirt.

"Um no I don't mind just, I might need  you to help zip up the dress." She says. Daniel nods and walks out of the room and down the hallway to the small nursery that Gabbie had set up for the baby. He opens the door and immediately he feels happy. He looks around at where he was planning on spending most of his time in the next months. There is a knock on the front door.

"I'll get it!" Daniel yells.

"Thank you!" Gabbie yells back. Daniel walks out of the nursery, closing the door behind him and made his way down the stairs. He opens the front door to see a curly headed boy, dressed in all black. Except for the red tie, which hung loosely around his neck. Behind him was a tall boy. Maybe nineteen. He had on a leather jacket and was smoking a cigarette. He had gelled brown hair and even though it was dark outside he had on pair of  sunglasses. Gabbie comes down the stairs. Her hair was in an elegant bun and her makeup matched her dress which was dark red.She had on a pair  of short red heels to go along with it. Daniel smiled at his best friend.

"Are you sure that you're going to be ok in that?" He asks as she gets to the doorway. She giggles and kisses Daniel's cheek.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." She says. Jack holds out an arm and Gabbie takes it. She then looks at the tall boy behind them. "Oh and this is Jonah, he said that he wanted to meet you, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before my mind has been kind of foggy lately." She says. Daniel nods and his eyes meet the green/blue ones. A smile arose on the tall boys face.

"So you're the infamous Daniel? It's nice to finally meet you."


Sorry about the lack of updates I have to watch my little sister and she has literally been such a big pain in the ass so I haven't been in the mood to write. 😔✌

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