Twenty Seven

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Third POV.

Daniel watches as the EMTs cover up the body of his first love. He cries into Corbyn's chest as the lift it up and put it into the stretcher, the bullet wound had left blood marks on the carpet and now on the white sheet they had covered him with. Zach and Jack walk over to the two and wrap arms around them.

"At least he died doing what he loves." Zach says. Jack chuckles.

"Yeah, Jonah always was a sucker for pain." The curly haired boy replies. Daniel chuckles too.

"Tell me about it." He mumbles. The three let out a bittersweet laugh as the EMTs take the body out of the bedroom. The police come into the room next.

"So Mr. Marais was a fugitive from LA in America?" She asks. Daniel detached himself from the older boy.

"Um yes officer." He says. The officer looks through her paper work.

"The only question is how did he, not only get through airport security himself, but managed bring along two other fugitives?" She asks, pointing at Zach and Jack. The two look at each other.

"We-we were kidnapped." Zach says.

"He put a gun to our head and forced us to leave." Jack says.

"We wouldn't have gone if we weren't forced." Zach pleads. The officer laughs.

"Alright but you still need to go in front of court but it has to be in the US. Because we really can't do anything here." She says. "But if evidence proves that you were forced you will most likely just get a few more years." She explains. The two nod and turn around, the officer cuffs them. Corbyn hugs Daniel's waist from behind.

"I love you Dani." He mumbles into the boy's neck. Daniel smiles at the feeling.

"I love you too Bean." He says back. Jack walks over to the two and slumps.

"I miss that." He sighs, before him and Zach are drug out of the room. Alec gets off the phone with someone. He put a hand on the shoulder that Corbyn wasn't on.

"I'm sorry." He says. "I should have put up the gates and stuff and none of this would have happened." Daniel laughs making Alec slightly startled.

"It's okay, I was honestly expecting this. Jonah was a smart man and he knew how to get his way, he probably knew we here I was going before I did." Daniel says. He detaches himself from Corbyn again and hugs Alec. "It's not your fault, trust me." He says. "I'm just ready to go home." Alec smiles and puts his hands on Daniel's shoulders.

"We can do that."


Daniel smiles as he walks into his LA apartment for the first time in months. Everything was just as they had left it when they had gone in the mission, except everything felt different. Corbyn walks in behind him and admires the small apartment. Daniel slowly walks around the room, next going into the kitchen, Corbyn follows. Daniel chuckles as he looks at the counters, they were dusty and plain.

"What is it?" Corbyn asks. Daniel picks up the yellow bottle that Zach had left almost four months ago.

"Zach left the mustard out." He smiles before putting the bottle back on to the counter. He leans down on the counter  and feels tears form in his eyes. Corbyn notices and hugs the boy.

"Corbyn I can't live here anymore, I just can't." He mumbles into Corbyn's chest. The older boy shushes him.

"Well... What if we got an apartment?" The old boy asks. Daniel looks up at him.

"You mean, us as in.. Together?" He asks. Corbyn's smiles dissapears.

"Well yeah but only if well um, only if you want to I mean-" Daniel cuts him off with a kiss on the lips. Corbyn's smile reappears on his face and so does Daniel's.

"I would love that Bean." He says. Corbyn puts an arm around Daniel's shoulders.

"Come on.. Let's get out of here." Corbyn says. Daniel puts and arm around the older boys waist.

"Let's go." The two boy walk out of the apartment, smiles on their faces as the saw a thin line of hope slowly make it's way into their vision. Both of them knowing, that this was just the beginning.

The End.


I'm so fucking cliche and I hate it. But here it is... The end. I really hope you guys enjoyed this book I enjoyed writing it. Anyway.

Love you all!!!!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕


Thanks for reading!! 💕💕💕

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