Chapter Four

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The search for the ultimate boyfriend is to be continued. I chickened out, so Mel and I spent the rest of the weekend in our PJs watching Lifetime Movies and the Hallmark Channel.

This weekend would've been no different, but I promised my students I'd make it to at least one game this season. Eventually, I will make it out into the big bad world of dating. Maybe.

Tossing my bag on the counter in the restroom, I look through it for my lip gloss and a brush. The wind tonight has my hair feeling like a rat's nest. You'd think with all the leave-in conditioners and hair polish, my hair would be tame, but no. I always have to curl or straighten it. Or put it up in a clip.

"When was the last time you went to s football game?" I ask Mel.

"Last year sometime. Maybe homecoming. Nick and I went with you and Chase remember?" she responds.

"Yeah, well I don't miss this," I say, brushing the knots out of my brown hair. "Don't get me wrong, I love football something fierce, but high school is just way too slow paced. It's like watching water boil." I stuff my brush back in my bag, and reapply my lip gloss.

A stall door flings open, and the clack clack of heels echoes through the staff rest room. The reflection in the mirror smirks at me.

"Hey, Summer. I guess Chase is dragging you to these things now," I say with a fake smile, never looking directly at her. "You should really rethink your footwear though. He'll have you on the field moving the chains with him and your heels are gonna get stuck in the ground."

"Forget the chains. Why the hell would you wear stilettos to a game anyway? TMZ isn't following you around with a camera or something, are they?" Mel asks, sarcastically looking around the bathroom.

"Apparently, looking good is only a priority for one of us in here," Summer says, with s click of her tongue.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me, right?" Mel snaps back, turning around to face her.

"You teach those at-risk kids, don't you, Melissa? You're staring to talk like them. You might want to consider a schedule change." she snickers.

Mel starts taking off her earrings, and she pulls a rubber band off her wrist and twists it in her hair. Then she starts rolling up her sleeves. "Oh, I can do more than just talk like my students. I can act like them too. You want me to show you," she steps forward, throwing up her arms and challenging her.

I want to laugh so hard. This is so Mel, pulling an award-winning Oscar performance. I bet she's snorting inside.

Summer dries her hands, and darts out mumbling. "You guys are fucking crazy."

As soon as she clears the door, Mel and I bust up laughing. "Fucking crazy. I'll show her fucking crazy. I'll cut a bitch," she jokes. And then we burst into laughter again. I'm practically convulsing as we exit the Bathroom and head toward the bleachers.

"You know, I should probably call security," I tease her. "Didn't I sign some contract about protecting the safety of others?"

"What's regards to students, yes. Her, no. That beeyotch is on her own," Mel replies, putting her earrings back in and rolling down down her sleeves.

"What's so funny?" Matty asks. He picks up his place alongside us.

"Oh man," I begin. "I wish you could have seen Mel go all gangsta on Summer in the bathroom. I thought she was gonna but out a skank."

Matty chuckles, and asks for more details. We fill him in on the way back to our seats.

"You better watch out," he says. "She might stab you with one of her nails next time. Have you seen those things? They're scary." He trembles, jokingly.

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