Chapter Fifteen

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A knock on the door wakes me from my night of peaceful rest. I hate to think I need a man to be happy, but I sure do sleep a hell of a lot better when Matty is next to me.

"Yeah," I yell. Matty moves around and throws his arm and leg across me. The feel of his warm skin on me stings with wanting. I could spend all day kissing these arms and legs and never get bored. His strong arms and big hands make me feel so protected. His muscular thighs and bulging calves, I could explore them inch by inch taking in the flicker of sunlight
on the coarse golden hair of his sun-kissed legs. He's beautiful.

"Wanna go to breakfast?" Tyler yells, bringing me back to reality.

Matty opens one eye to look at me. He licks his lips and I'm thinking we should pass on breakfast. He tilts his head questioning. I shrug.

He says, "Why not? Let's spend time with your brother before he goes back." Damn it. He's right.

"Give us a half hour," I shout to my brother. I hear his footsteps walking down the hall.

"How did you sleep?" Matty asks, pulling me closer to him and pressing his warm hard body against mine.

"Like a baby." I cuddle into him, spooning him like we've just made love.

"Me too." He kisses my neck. I tilt my head to give him full access. He brushes my hair aside and I feel his tongue trace along the side of my throat before a row of kisses line my shoulder.

"I don't want to get up."

"Too late," I tell him rubbing my behind against his friend who is bidding me hello.

"Hey, that's just nature talking. Morning wood," he releases a slight chuckle.

As much as I want to stay right where I'm at, we're running out of time. So I roll over and off the bed.

"Yeah, that's what they all say."


When we get to our favorite eatin' place, Matty runs in to a few of his buddies from college. We ask them to join us and they do. So now's there's six of us crowded into a horseshoe shaped booth.

The waitress comes around to take our orders and I order a classic ham and cheese omelet with a side of home fries and biscuits and gravy.

Okay, so my mother's comment did not have her desired effect. I'm still eating like usual. Maybe I will
try to squeeze in a run later.

"So you guys are a bunch of geniuses, huh? If you went to CM," Mel tries to make small talk.

The guys grin at each other, shrugging off the compliment.

Matty answers for them. "I wouldn't say geniuses. We all just studied a lot in high school and had high
test scores. No different from you."

"Haha, you must have heard some lies about these two," Tyler weighs in. "They did anything but
study. Unless you call keg parties and making out in the back row of movie theaters, studying."

"That's so not true," I say. "We didn't have kegs at the parties, just lots of bottles, and it wasn't always the last row."

"And don't forget drunken football games," Tyler adds.

"Hey, we were pretty tame though. Mel's dad's a cop so we couldn't have too much fun," I say, laughing.

Everyone begins to share their crazy high school and college moments. Matty woke up in his own vomit after his first frat party. Mel lost her underwear at a park her senior year. Jason almost made out with a dude who he thought was a girl in Hollywood. He says there's not a day that goes by he doesn't
thank Matty for getting him out of that mess. He didn't exactly share how he got into the situation in the first place but I'd love to hear the full story sometime.

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