Imperfect girl

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Day after day it's the same ol' thing. She wakes up, goes to school, goes to her different activities, goes home and then goes to sleep.

She lives her life trying to be perfect, to be everything they want her to be. She does all this while asking for nothing in return.

The girl kept this flawless act up for ages, always smiling, never frowning. Always doing amazing in everything that she did, never failing. Always being perfect.

After a while she began to change. The pressure became too much and she broke. Her perfect mask broke. She wailed and she screamed, finally releasing the pent up emotions she had been hiding all these years.

This out break surprised people, it scared them. Their perfect daughter or friend wasn't so perfect. She wasn't always so happy, but they didn't see that till now, and they didn't like it. They rushed to get their perfect girl back, Not wanting this 'hollow shell'.

They wanted her to smile even if she wasn't happy. They wanted her to fix their problems and ignore her own. They wanted her to make up for her siblings wrong doings and make the family proud. They wanted her to be perfect.

She locked everything away and molded herself to fit their definition of perfect. She glued her mask back together with the fear of failing them, and wore it proudly.

She smiled when she wanted to cry, studied when she needed to sleep, dedicated her life to clubs and activities when she wanted to relax, and surrounded herself with 'friends' when she wanted to be alone.

The tired girl kept this charade going for months on end, but it slowly began to falter once more. Her mask began to crack, letting her insecurities and fears slip through.

Her perfect world came crashing down around her. Her friends grew tired of her colorless personality, her father lost his signature shine, her brother fell in love with Mary J., and her mother fell victim to a life sucking demon Their words that were once filled with praise began to drip with poison. Even her own mother grew tired of her imperfect daughter and prayed to the disease ridden demon, wishing to erase the past fifteen years.

She couldn't help but blame herself for the shattering of her world. If only she was stronger, braver, smarter, prettier... Perfect. Perhaps if she was, she could have saved her loved ones, but she was none of those. She had failed in the simple task she had been assigned. She had let her beautiful, perfect mask break. She had let her emotions in and let the tears fall.

She was not perfect. She could never be perfect. She was nothing but a hollow shell of a imperfect girl that used to be happy.

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