Chapter 4: A box full of mysteries

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Irene's POV

I wake up with the sound of a monitor beeping beside me, and some voices coming from outside the door.

"Are you insane? We can't tell her now! She's at a tender age. Plus she suffered a lot through that stupid breakup, and then the news about being an orphan, we don't want to give her another shock!"
Mom? Who is she talking to? And about what?

"Another shock? That's what you are worried about? Ms. Davis, you know already what's coming, and when it does... it'll come in full throttle and if she won't be prepared, she'll probably get herself killed." I know that voice, it's familiar.

"Nothing like that will happen, we know how to protect our daughter."

"I want the same for her, that's why I'm here... And that's why I'm asking you guys to understand the danger. Because if we won't prepare her, then surely she'll be destruction! You both know the prophecy well. Don't you?" That's the cute guy! Why is he talking to my parents? Prophecy? Are they discussing some new episodes of Sabrina or what?

"Umm...Mom-" I try to speak but my throat is dry, and all I could do was cough. The cute guy slides beside me and gets me a glass of water. But how is he so quick?

"Irene, dear are you okay?" I nod my head as I take a sip of the water.
"What were you guys talking about?" Okay, maybe too soon to ask this question! Nice work Irene.

"It was nothing...just random discussion."

"About prophecies and my death...? Doesn't seem so random to me."

"You need rest dear, we'll answer it all later. Okay?" Before I can say anything, the doctor enters.

"Hello Irene, you feeling better now?"

"Yeah, just that my head is little dizzy and my body is a little weak."

"Don't worry, you'll be fine soon. You have to stay here for one day only, tomorrow we'll discharge you. Okay?"

Finally! I'll get rid of this boring hospital.

"Mr. and Mrs. Davis, kindly come with me, there are some papers that you need to sign."

Mom gives a peck on my cheek, followed by dad and they both leave me alone with this hot creepy, angelic creature/human. Nice!

"Urghh, this awkward silence is killing me, can we talk... at least about what your name is and what you were telling to my parents out there?"

"You'll soon come to know about it. But for now, you need to rest. And by the way sorry for the awkward silence. My name is Chris. And I'm glad you are fine!"

"I saw something earlier I guess, light appearing from behind you and your wings... Are you the devil? Or an angel? Like I've read books like Fallen and seen TV series like Lucifer... So what are you? Or is it just my mind playing tricks?"

"Seriously? You gain consciousness and the first time we talk normally, this is what you ask? Why are you always full of questions?"

"Well, you can't blame me, I'm a curious girl!" I say changing my tone, trying to flaunt my curious side.
A smile appears on his face as he looks down and sets his hair backward. HE'S SO HOT!
And suddenly he looks up, with amaze...

"I can hear your thoughts..."
That's not possible! He's kidding.

"Nope, I'm not!"
"Prove it then!"

A nurse enters the room to reset my glucose bottle and the drips. She glances towards Chris and a smile appears on her face.

I signal at her looking at him. Hope he gets that I'm asking to read her mind.

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