Chapter 6: Angel with a devil's left hook!

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Beth's POV

Damn this signal! What do I do, I am fricking scared right now. But what was that ugly thing? When it held me it felt so... dark. Like all my dark memories just came rushing back to me! Ugh! My arm stings. I have to get out of this hell hole anyhow. What does it even want from me?! And when did our town become so mysterious and paranormal? That thing... was it trying to harm Irene? But why Irene? And most importantly why me? Why this town? Something is really wrong...there must be so many secrets hidden here. Damn, I feel sorry for Irene. And for myself too... "LET ME OUT!" I am stuck in this weird dark cell which looks like a prison. "HELP!!!"

"There's no use, no one would listen." Well, I didn't know I had company.

"Who are you?" I try to squint my eyes so that I could see his face across. Damn the lights are dim.

"Unlike you, I am not a mercy seeker...or a crier." WHAT?!

"Excuse me! How dare you... "

"And if you really want to get out of here, then screaming isn't the preferred option I think. You need to realize that he would be back by hearing your voice and then both of us would be stuck here! So for once, just shut the damn mouth! I am trying to rescue myself, after that I will help you out."

Hey, that's rude!! But it's true. Screaming wouldn't help here. So I guess I just have to wait here till he rescues himself so that I can be rescued. I hear a click and my eyes widen with hope.

He grunts in pain as he stands up and stretches his arms. Damn even through the dark I can definitely say that he has great muscles! Focus Beth! You have to get out of here.
"Hey, big guy... Help me out now!"
"Urgh, you panic too much. Wait a second."
Wait how is he going to come across the bars? Wait... Is he? Will he break them? I look down and sigh. I am stuck here with this idiot! I hear metal bars breaking and my head snaps up. What the actual fuck?
He smirks and then breaks the bars of my prison too and I am left awestruck! Did he just do that? With his... Hands? Fuck! Is he superman? Nooo...he is supernatural! But a good one or a bad one?
"Umm... I can't help you with those."
"What? You just broke those iron bars but you can't break these tiny handcuffs?"
"Yeah... These tiny handcuffs are layered with a spell. And if I'd touch it then I would get hurt." Get hurt? What is he? A barbie?! I mentally facepalm myself. Great! So basically I'm stuck here. It's all that hot creepy guy's fault. He brought us in this mess and now I- Why is he picking me up?!
"Put me down!" I scream while slapping his shoulders. He doesn't seem to care though, as he keeps on moving.
"Shut up. And trust me!"
"Well, I can't if my ass is facing your face!"
"Well, I like the view from here..."
"Put me down!" He puts me down and I stumble! Damn my legs hurt, I wanna get rid of these handcuffs so bad! He moves a hand through his hair.
"What?"  He asks
"You can pick me up in a civilized manner, can't you?"
He picks me up in a bridal style and keeps on walking. We hear footsteps coming from the opposite direction, and we try to hide within the dark gap. Shit! We are busted. A floating figure appears in front of us. Like a shadow.
"This thing abducted me! What do we do??" I exclaim, my voice breaking
"I can't do anything. I'm weak and I can't fight him. You won't understand!"
"You bet I will!" "Eep... It is here. Do something!" He pushes me ahead... what?! "Will you just stand there stuck to the wall?" I see the monster and it's ugly sticky face... yuckk! He yields up his sword and here I come grand ma, I am sure I will land up in heaven with you! I close my eyes in fear and hold my head tightly! I hear a blast and then realise that I am both absolutely fine, instead there's a fight going on between a girl, who looks more like an angel with pointed purplish wings. She has a sword in her hand which is clashing with the slimy-ghostly monster or whatever it is. The chimes of their sword echoes throughout the cave. 

She snaps her head at us, "Go that yourselves. I'll meet you outside! Run!"
And he gives her a nod. He moves so fast it's impossible for me to keep my eyes open. It's like when I sat behind Stef on his bike. Vroom!
Within a minute we both were out. We heard someone scream inside the cave and I hoped it wasn't the angel. After few seconds the angel came out and stood peacefully right in front of us. Her wings were now gone and I could see her face. Black hair with purple highlights on two strands of her hair and hazel brown eyes. She gave me a wide smile, "Hello! I am Arriane. Nice to meet you Beth." How does she know my name?

"I know enough! Come on now, let's go." "Where?" "Some place which is filled with enough crowd to camouflage us." "Get in the car Patrick... I will drive and I will get you your food too... worry not!" "Patrick?" "Yeah, He is Patrick. The one who saved you!" "Oh please... He left me alone in front of the monster... he's a coward."  "Actually, he's smart and selfish, he knew that he had the power to stay invisible, but he couldn't keep you invisible. So, he pushed you."  "Wait... so you served me to the monster to protect yourself?"  "Well, as they say... better you than me Darling." "You are sick, bloody mother-" "Okay... let's go, you can exchange these words in the car also. I will then tell you how I came to know about you and your friend Irene." "Shit! Irene... is she fine?" "Yes, she's okay."

She tells me the whole story about how the shadow had come to abduct Irene but due to some protection spell, it couldn't come inside. So it tried to drag me out, thinking I'm Irene. Basically he knows no difference between a blond and a brunette! Dumb fuck shadow.
"So you know Irene too and the hot guy sent you here to search for me...Interesting!" She nods while I try to break free through the handcuffs.
"Wait! How is it that he can't touch these, but you can?"
"Well, I've been around for longer than Patrick. So it's obvious that I'm stronger than him. Plus he's a new bee and super weak right now." She says looking at him.
"Hey! I'm strong too." The young gentleman in the backseat opposed while sucking blood from the blood bag. "we are here." Arriane stopped the car. "Wait... he is Patrick? Like from SpongeBob!" I laughed so hard getting down from the car. I can't believe his name is Patrick! Damn... With that name who would say he's dangerous?! He pushes me and I crash with the tree. Ow! That hurt! He comes there instantly, "I'm so sorry. I-I- can't control my powers yet. I'm sorry. I was just angry...I-I- didn't mean to!" He sniffs. Is he crying? Seriously? "Hey it's fine. I'm okay. You can calm down." I tell him and a smile appears on his lips. "As I said, he's a new bee. He needs to learn to channel his powers."I nod and he looks down scratching his head."Don't worry fella! You are welcomed into my gang." She winks at him.  

We sit in a nearby cafe and order sandwiches and juice. I try to understand their world, but as I fail miserably, I sigh. Arriane chuckles. "It's okay. It takes time, our world is a little complicated." 
"You bet it is!"
"Guys, I'm done with my food... Shall we lea-"
"Patrick! You've got blood all over you! Clean yourself up!" Arriane hisses at him.
"Go to the washroom and clean it up fast!"
He rushes to the washroom like a puppy and I laugh.
"Can I use your phone to talk to Irene? I need to check if she's fine."
"Yeah sure."

"Irene...are you okay! Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry that all this happened! How are you? Is that hot guy there? You all are fine right?"
"Beth!!! I'm fine! I was worried sick about you. Where are you?"
"We got help from Arriane! I'll tell you all later okay? For now, be safe! We are on our way to town. we'll reach there in 30 minutes."
"Okay. I want the whole story. Alright?"
"You have my word!"
And I cut the call. The thought of my best friend being fine, made me feel a little better. Until, I saw that asshole Patrick coming right towards me to grab a napkin and wipe his face. Urgh! Irritating!
"Shall we leave now?" He asks with a smirk.
"Get in both of you!!"
We sit in the car and Arriane drives us to home!
Well... We did get saved by the angel! God bless us!
Thanks to Arriane! I look at her... And notice her sharp features... Those doe shaped eyes and perfect sharp nose... With a baby face... Makes her look so pretty! Ofcourse she's an angel! Of course not by the way she fights, but by the way she looks.
She's an angel by look, with a devil's left hook! She's a fighter dude! I smile at her and roll down the windows letting the fresh air hit my face... Playing with my hair!
I close my eyes to the music blasting in the car and let myself sleep.

Hello Guys!
Hope you all are doing fine! Next chapter will be uploaded soon! Let me know what you think of this chapter!
Have a great day!
Keep smiling : )
Keep reading! 💙

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